These orders were issued to me during my two tours...
perhaps you might recognize some of these individuals.
Sorry I had to delete the social security numbers, but identity theft is a
problem in the times we live in today.
Award of Combat Infantryman BadgeSpecial Orders Number 313...8
November 1968.

Discharge from enlisted status in 53rd OCS Company for commission to Second
Lieutenant. Note that William Calley is listed on the orders also.
He was in my OCS company. Lt. Calley would later become infamous for his role in
the My Lai Massacre.
Special Orders Number 201...22 August 1967.

Ordered to Active Duty after OCS as a
Second Lieutenant.
Special Orders Number 204...25 August 1967.

Award of the Air Medal.General Orders Number 3147...17 June 1969

Award of Purple HeartGeneral Orders Number 7960...15 December 1969.

Many more to follow as time permits.
If you see your name on these orders and
remember me or can add to the story of our time together, please contact me at
the email address below.
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