1st Battalion, 69th Armor

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1st Battalion, 69th Armor Stories

Cpt Raymond P. Baird
Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 69th Armor

I was in 1st Bn, 69th Armor from spring '68 to spring '69. My 1st assignment was CO Company C, 1/69th. We were OPCON to 1st Bn, 173rd Abn. I knew medic John Paul Jones well. Super guy! As far as I can remember, he was my company Medic. The entire time I was CO, we were stationed at LZ Uplift. While at Uplift, I took photos of each of my tank crews with their tanks. Most of my pictures have the names of the crews. These photos were all taken in January '69.

My 1SG was named Ferry.

 I am proud of my service with "Charlie Co", and would love to share my photos.

Ray Baird
MAJ, USA retired

If you want to contact CPT Baird, send an email to the address at the bottom of the page and I will forward it to him.

Posted 25 December 2020

SP/4 Guadalupe Castillo
Armored Personnel Carrier Driver
A Company, 1st Bn, 69th Armor
4th Infantry Division, Vietnam

Sir, I am contacting you regarding my father's Vietnam service. He was stationed in Vietnam from 67-69. He doesn't recall many of the places he served and most of his photos were lost over the years. I was hoping that if I reached out to you that you would know where the 4th infantry was stationed and where his base camp was. His name is Spec 4 Guadalupe Castillo. Hopefully you can shed some light on his military career or maybe your contacts know something about him. Thank you for your help.

Charles Castillo

This is the text from his Bronze Star...

Bronze Star Award to Castillo text only

If you remember SP/4 Castillo or the incident and wish to make contact, send an email to the address at the bottom of the page and I will forward it to him.

Posted 03 March 2019

SP/5 Bobby Kenneth Allen B CO, 1ST BN, 69TH ARMOR, 4TH INF DIV

My father was SP5 Bobby K. Allen from Jonesboro Illinois. He was killed in action in Vietnam Jan. 15, 1968. I am looking for information or anyone who maybe knew him or might know anything about what happened the time of the incident. Bobby came in country February 13, 1967.

If you remember SP/5 Allen or the incident and wish to contact his daughter, send an email to the address at the bottom of the page and I will forward it to her.

Posted 23 January 2019

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