Links to Some Relevant Pages For Vietnam Veterans.
Ernie Camacho
125 Air Traffic Company
4th Infantry Division, RVN
Dak To Vietnam - 1967-1968 - Photos, Documents, Maps
Ernie Camacho came to Dak To in June of 1967 to set up the field for an
operation called Operation Greeley (June 17 - Oct. 12), which morphed into
Operation MacArthur that lasted until the end of January, 1969. His website is
dedicated to the men who participated in Operations Greeley and MacArthur,
including members of the 4th Infantry Division, the 173 Airborne Brigade, and
his unit, the 125 Air Traffic Company. Great site, which you should visit, if
were ever in Dak To, or Pleiku.
Posted 27 JUN 2021
If you wish to make contact with Ernie,email swamp_fox at the address on the bottom of this webpage and I will forward it to him.
Visit this site to get copies of Veteran'a Personnel Files.
The US Army Center for Military History site has much valuable information you might want to check out.
An excellent recounting of the Battle of Dak To, 3-21 November 1967, on
the excellent 3/8th website and some After Action Reports.
Just one of many tributes to Martha Ray...Colonel Maggie. She was one of us.
this site no longer available ... suggestions needed.
This link is to a touching tribute to Vietnam Veterans and the thousands of
Michigan State soldiers who died in that war.
The story First Sergeant David H. McNerney, Medal of Honor recipient and
A/1/8th Infantry in Vietnam. Very powerful telling of the story of Top and his men !!!
This documentary give in depth insight into the story of Alpha Company and their
First Sergeant David H. McNerney, Medal of Honor recipient and a true American
Hero. Buy the DVD and share it with family and friends...these are the
kinds of people who gave us the freedoms we enjoy every day.
Homer's, personal recommendation.
This is a website devoted to Robert L. Howard. He wasn't in the
Fighting Fourth, but MACV-SOG. He received the Medal of Honor,
Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star, all for Valor. He received
numerous other lesser decorations to include eight Purple Hearts.
It makes me proud to read of his service...
Jack Day was my chaplain in Vietnam. He held services on several
firebases for us. His Central Highlands Diary brings back many memories of
the Highlands.
The Department of Veteran's Affairs, Veteran's Benefits Administration Page.
This website at the Texas Tech University, Vietnam Center and Archive, is great.
Do check it out. It is unfortunately fairly slow loading, because of the
high traffic volume, but the wait is well worth it. If you want some
tactical maps of your old AO, they have scanned for download all the 1:50,000
topo maps of Vietnam. On the Home Page, click these links:click the button on the left that reads Virtual Vietnam Archive
click the button on the left that reads Search the Vietnam Virtual
click the buttons to select Maps, English, and Limit to Items
Available Online
Type in under Collection Title: enter Vietnam Archive Map
At this point, if you click the Start Search button on the top left, you
will select all 914 maps for Vietnam.
If you want only those maps for II Corps, enter into the Keyword/Item #:
field the words II Corp
This will select from the Vietnam Archive Map collection, only the 137 maps for
II Corp.
Be Patient! Rush the site by going back and forth before the
previous transaction has completed may lock your session up. Please use
the End Search Session button when finished. It too, will take
quite awhile to respond, but keeps the server running efficiently for other
You may also enter the actual map number, instead of II Corp to get only the map
you need. For instance, if you enter into the Keyword/Item #: field
the number 6538-2, you will get the map sheet containing Dak To.
This is a great site about those incredible helicopter pilots, who flew
for us in South East Asia.
Some great memory jogging photos here from Charles "Doc" Shyab Company C/1/22
Infantry, 4th Infantry Division, November 20 1967 - April 28 1968.
Great website about a "Shake-n-Bake", NCO from A/1/8. His
book is a great read and will bring back many memories to those of us who were
there. This link gives a summary and links you to a site where you may
obtain his book and read an
good article about these so called "Instant NCO's"
Site about the Women In Service to our Country Memorial at Arlington.
Lets give them some support in getting more of their stories preserved.
SPN Number on Discharge Papers.
Some of you may already know about this but for those who don't here
goes. Get out your DD214 and look in block 11. You'll see the
letters SPN followed by a number. This is your SPN number. (DUH) This
code gives the reason for separation from the military.
Now, to understand this code go to the link I've provided and there is
a list for all the codes. Some are pretty normal but some are really out there.
Interesting stuff. site about 2/9th Field Artillery, a 105 howitzer outfit that worked in out AO. May have bailed us out from time to time. Just started the site, so they would love to hear from anyone who worked with them.
This page from the 35th Infantry contains much
information about our service in Vietnam.
This link will take you to a site about Jacqueline Winspear, author of the Maisie Dobbs Mystery Series.
If you have seen or been around combat, these stories will help you deal with it's aftermath. Even if
you don't think you suffer from PTSD, read these stories. They will touch a secret place in your soul and
help you heal. They are a mystery series, so the combat stuff kind of sneaks up
on you.
This link discusses the naming of Camp Enari. I found it rather
This virtual wall site is searchable by By Wall Panel, By State & City,
By Last Name, and By Military Unit.
A personal website done by my wife, Tibby and I. It gives
you a feel for who I am today. Also a great nature photography site with a deep spiritual connection,
that makes you feel connected to the whole universe.
This is the story of the
air crews flying support to the men of the 4th Infantry Division during Operation Wayne Grey in March and April of 1969.
"war above the trees" is a day by day account of what happened as seen through the
eyes of a young crew chief, flying helicopter support. ron carey's book really opens your eyes...
A 4th Infantry Division forum by Bob Poff, C-1-8, 1968-1969. Some of the posts on the Forum really jogged my memory and made the tears flow. A good and growing site.
Join the dialogue, sign on to the chat or post something on the forum.
Tom's book about B/3/12 in 1969, reminds me of my tour with the 4th Infantry
around the Cambodia/Laos border. It will bring many daily memories back into
clear focus...check it out! Read this excerpt from:"Light Ruck, Vietnam 1969"
by Tom Lacombe.
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Click in the Google search bar or your Browser address bar .
Type site:followed by the URL of any website you want to search.
Follow the website name with a single space, then type your search phrase.
Hit Enter or Return to begin the search.
This will work for most websites, not just mine.
Example: Fire Base
Searches my entire site for all references to the term Fire Base
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