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Me in 2014, Click photo for my civilian site. |
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Here you will experience life among the Grunts, who slept in the mud of the Ho Chi Minh Trail on the Cambodia/Laos Border. There are stories of unsung heroes, bravery, regrets, and haunting mistakes. I was a Platoon Leader, Executive Officer, Headquarters Commander in base camp, and a Company Commander in the field. Come along as I recall courage, death, anger, fear, sadness, and red Pleiku mud. Arriving a Second Lieutenant and leaving a Captain after two consecutive tours, nearly destroyed me psychologically. Go on to the 4th Infantry Unit Pages to get the full story. To date, 389 Veterans have contributed photos, personal memories, and other materials to this site.
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Ivy Leaf Shoulder Patch of the 4th Infantry Division ![]() Click here for more info on patch symbolism |
![]() Bullets was the nickname of 1/8th Infantry. We wore a bullet in the camouflage band of our steel pots, a sign we did not intend to be captured alive! |
Above - Me as
of B/1/8 returning to Pleiku during the dusty dry season, after the
Battle on Hill 467.
Below - Bathing in a stream at Polei Kleng, just minutes before a mortar attack and my departure to join Task Force Alpha.
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"Thou Shalt Not Kill." Someone I deeply regret KILLING, was a young NVA Medic, Hoàng Ngọc Đảm. This photo of Dam is on an Altar in his family's home. To view other Personal Documents carried by this heroic Medic, the story of our deadly encounter, and the impact of returning these personal documents to his family and village, nearly 35 years later, click on the photo. This simple act resolved only one of the nearly 200,000 missing in action cases Vietnam is still desperately investigating. In May 2008 I returned to Vietnam and aided the Hoang family in locating and returning Dam's remains to the family cemetery. |
Nation Books released Wandering Souls: Journeys With the Dead and the Living in Viet Nam late in September 2009. On March 19, 1969, then young First Lieutenant Homer R. Steedly, Jr., shot and killed a North Vietnamese Medic, Hoàng Ngọc Đảm, when they met on a jungle trail. Nearly forty years later he returned to locate and bury Dam's remains in the village cemetery. This book tells that emotional journey with details from both sides. It is a captivating story written by Wayne Karlin, a former Marine Corp helicopter door gunner in Vietnam, who has written extensively on the Vietnam War and visits the country often. The "Thou Shalt Not Kill" section above tells of his aid in my journey. My version of the story pales in comparison to Wayne's. Everyone should read this story. It will touch your very soul. |
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To read my complete story, click My Combat Stories. To read about the other units, who served with me in the 4th Infantry in Vietnam, click on 4th Infantry Unit Pages. These links also appear on the floating menu for Java equipped browsers.
Any of you who served with me, please contact me and tell me what you remember of these events. I can't be sure my memories are accurate after over all this time and I know each of you have different viewpoints and memories. You all have stories to tell, many that I was too busy to even notice. Write, email, send photo's, video, audio tapes. I will incorporate all stories into this site's guestbook and return your precious materials to you safely. I want to tell our story from all our perspectives. It's time everyone found out about us and what we did over there. Not all heroes got medals, in fact most did not. I do not remember all your names, but I do remember your courage every day, when I wake up alive and free, and again every night before I fall asleep. Help me to keep the memories of those we left behind alive for future generations. As John Lennon so aptly said in his 1969 single, lets just "Give Peace a Chance".
Anyone who served with, or in support of the 4th Infantry in Vietnam is welcome to contribute to this site. That includes the family members of those who served. Your story about how their service changed them and your lives is just as significant as the tales of your loved ones service overseas. We were all changed by the Vietnam experience. Click Here for more information about how to help me build this site and tell the complete story....
Where are all you support and service troops??? We grunts would never have made it without you. I know you have stories to tell...we want to hear them also.
Here you will find some maps of our Area of
Operations, including a pan and zoom topo. Click the magnifying glass. |
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John Patella
Company C,
4th Infantry Division, Vietnam
RE: Michael Twigg, Raymond Knight and Loyd McBroom
Posted 27 MAR 2025
Sergeant John Henry Gardner
Company L
118th Infantry Regiment during World War I.
I am trying to find a photograph of my 4th cousin John Henry Gardner. He was a Sergeant in Company L, 118th Infantry Regiment during World War I. John Gardner killed four enemy machine gunners, moved forward and killed three enemy snipers,
then led his men through intense machine gun fire on October 8th, 1918 near Brancourt, France,
earning the Distinguished Service Cross.
He was from Hartsville, South Carolina and locally famous, ran for Sheriff of Darlington County twice but lost,
he was President of the Old Company L, 118th Infantry Regiment in 1931, and later retired from Sonoco Products Company.
Does anyone have any pictures of Company L, 118th Infantry or of John Henry Gardner?
His cousin was Capt. Bolin Gardner.
According to a family letter, an enemy soldier had a rifle on him and
John Gardner shot him and saved his life.
I am writing a family history book and trying to find a picture of John Henry Gardner.
Any information you can provide, would be greatly appreciated.
Contact me through the https://www.swampfox.info/
by using the email address:
Posted 09 DEC 2024
LT Jerred McKee
2-34th Armor
Fort Riley Kansas
Good Morning Sir,
My name is 1LT Jerred McKee and I am currently serving in 2-34th Armor at Fort Riley Kansas. We are currently doing a big
Regimental Room remodel and we would like to establish our own unit archive. I am currently lacking information about 2-34th
Armor during its time with the 4th Infantry Division during Vietnam.
Do you have any documents or photos related to 2-34? Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
Posted 08 ?? 2023
If you any information or photos, contact him through the swamp_fox email address at the bottom of this page.
MSG Henry
Headquarters and Company A
704th Maintenance Battalion
4th Division, RVN
My dad, Master Sergeant Henry Gettman at the time, was assigned to Headquarters and Company A, 704th Maintenance Battalion at Fort Lewis, WA, on 31 July 1965, and went to Vietnam with the 4th Inf Division on 8 September 1966. He was easy to spot, as he was only 5’0” tall.
A veteran of both WWII and the Korean War, he was 55 years old when he went to Vietnam with the 704th. He was awarded a Bronze Star for having his section up and running within 48 hours of arriving in country. Hopefully someone who knew him then will see this and respond.
Best wishes,
Dave Gettman
Posted 06 17 2023
If you knew Master Sergeant Gettman, contact Dave through the swamp_fox email address at the bottom of this page.
Ernie Pinto
5th Bn, 16th Arty, C Battery
4th Division 1966-67
My name is Ernie Pinto and I was with 5th Bn, 16th Arty, C Btry, 4th Div 1966-67. Can’t remember Chief of Section's first name but at that time he was Staff Sergeant White. I am also looking for James Stanger, who was the battalion mail clerk for 5/16 Arty 1966-67. I am also looking for SGT East, C-Battery, 5th Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, Vietnam 1966-67. I believe his first name was Jim. Can you shed any light on his whereabouts? We all came out of Ft. Louis with 4th Infantry Division. Help!! I would be glad to find anyone from the battery. If you can help me out I would be very grateful. Thank you! Ernie Pinto
Posted 03 23 2023
If you can help Ernie, contact him through the swamp_fox email address at the bottom of this page.
Sp/4 Peter R. Clausen
Headquarters and Headquarters Company,
2nd Bn, 8th Inf
4th Infantry Division, RVN
My father is the late Peter R. Clausen, who served in Vietnam (1966-1967). My father never discussed Vietnam, but from my late Aunt’s recollection, during a mortar attack my father was knocked unconscious and covered by debris. It was either his Platoon SGT, or Lt, who held off the enemy advance until all of his soldiers were recovered. If this is remotely accurate, I’d love to thank that man, or his next of kin - I literally exist because of him. I just came across some photos. I’m not sure where my dad or these soldiers fit in, but if anyone knows any of these men, or their loved ones, I’d love to share copies with them. Again, it would be amazing to possibly connect with anyone from my dad’s unit. Sir, thank you again.
Posted 03 23 2023
If you knew SP/4 Clausen or recognize anyone in these photos, email swamp_fox at the address on the bottom of this webpage and I will forward it to his daughter.
Lt. John Charles Beirne
Delta Company, 1st Bn, 8th Infantry
4th Infantry Division
We had a Lt. in D-1-8 we referred to as "Jack Bern" Remember we didn't wear name tags often back then. All I recall right now is he had a father who was a politician in New Jersey. If that is correct, I will pass along the son's request to our D Company guys. Just reading my story and your's will give the son a feel for what life in Delta Company 1/8th was like back then. John
Posted 05 MAR 2023
If you remember Lt. Bern, contact me through the swamp_fox email address at the bottom of the page.
Thomas P. Lessard
S4 OIC, 704th BSB
Good afternoon, sir.
I am the Battalion S4 at 704th Brigade Support Battalion and I am in the process of assembling Unit History in order to create a Regimental Room for our unit. I stumbled upon your website while doing some rudimentary research on the unit's history in Vietnam (when it was the 704th Maintenance Battalion) and noticed you had a fair few veterans that had reached out to you through the site. I would appreciate any help reaching out to those individuals to see what they could contribute to our organization's efforts to invest in the history of the unit. Thank you in advance for your help with this.
Posted 10 OCT 2022
If you want to contribute to 1Lt Lessard's project, you can connect with him through the swamp_fox email address at the bottom of the page. In country photos, printed materials, etc...help them connect with the unit's Vietnam era.
PFC Robert G. Stanko
HQ & Service Battery
Company C, 6th Bn, 29th Artillery
4th Inf Div, Vietnam
Hello sir. First of all thank you for your service in Vietnam. I am seeking information on
PFC Stanko,
who was the best friend of my brother. He was killed under unusual circumstances in Pleiku. He was at a firebase and in a bunker with other soldiers. An altercation took place,
and as PFC Stanko attempted to break up the altercation, he was fatally shot by one of the other soldiers. The incident took place on 10/31/1968. His death was confirmed as an intentional homicide.
I am wondering if you could possibly find anyone who served with PFC Stanko and knew him. PFC Stanko was in Vietnam for less than a month before he was killed.
Thank you.
Dean Rosan
Posted 22 SEP 2022
You can make contact via email to the Swamp_fox address at the bottom of this page. I will forward your email to Dean.
Ernie Pinto
5th Bn, 16th Arty, C Btry
4th Div 1966-67
My name is Ernie Pinto and I was with
5th Bn, 16th Arty, C Btry, 4th Div 1966-67. Can’t remember Chief of Section's first name but at that time he was Staff Sargeant White. I am also looking for James Stanger, who
was the battalion mail clerk for 5/16 Arty 1966-67. He was also Sgt.
Major's driver. We all came out of Ft. Lewis WA in 1966 to Base Camp in Pleiku.I would be glad to find anyone from the battery. If
you can help me out I would be very greatful my brother.
Thank you!
Ernie Pinto
Posted 22 SEP 2022
You can make contact via email to the Swamp_fox address at the bottom of this page. I will forward your email to Ernie.
SP/4 Gary W Reynolds
124th Signal Battalion
4th Infantry Division
SP/4 Reynolds recounts life as a lineman with the 124th Signal Battalion in December 1966. Click here for more.
Posted 19 SEP 2022
You can make contact via email to the Swamp_fox address at the bottom of this page. I will forward your email to him.
John Jay Germano Jr.
Company B, 2nd Bn
35th Infantry Regiment
4th Infantry Division, Vietnam
Hi Homer,
My father recently passed away. He was a Ranger / Green Beret, based in Pleiku. His name was John Jay Germano Jr.
and his nickname was "Cat Man."
John served proudly as a Green Beret with Company B,
2nd Bn, 35th Infantry Regiment, Vietnam in 1969 as the leader of
a SOG Recon Team. This involved living and working with the indigenous mountain tribes of Vietnam, the Montagnards.
He came to love their ingenuity and the loyalty they committed to the US troops. While there, he was severely
wounded during a fire fight on September 29th, 1969 and spent almost a year in a full body cast while recovering
in the States. For his bravery he was awarded a Bronze Star and Purple Heart.
I was wondering if you had contacts or maybe knew him?
Thanks sir!
Chad Germano
Posted 21 SEP 2022
You can make contact via email to the Swamp_fox address at the bottom of this page. I will forward your email to Chad.
SP/4 Peter R. Hansen Jr.
C Company 2nd Battalion (Mechanized)
8th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division, Vietnam
Hi Homer,
I am looking for anyone who served with my brother, Peter R. Hansen. Pete was
a Specialist Four in C Co, 2nd BN, 8th Infantry, 4th INF DIV, USARV. He started
his tour on 1/1/68 and was KIA on 2/6/68, so he was only there a month and was
stationed in Pleiku Province. He was MIA initially, but his body was recovered a
week or so later and he was declared KIA at that time. He was a quiet
small town boy, standing 6’6”. As he was 12 years older than me, I don’t
remember much about him, but hope to learn more about his time in the service.
I would love to have a phone call with anyone that remembers Pete,
or buy them a cup of coffee.
Kurt Hansen
Posted 1 AUG 2022
You can make contact via email to the Swamp_fox address at the bottom of this page. I will forward your email to Kurt.
SP/5 Dan McCall
4th Admin Company
4th Infantry Division, Vietnam
I was a member of 4th Admin at Ft Lewis, came over in SEP 1966 and left 13 months later as a SP/5. I worked in the 4th Infantry Division, Finance Office with a LT Wesche (the finance officer). I am looking to connect with anyone who might remember me. I am especially interested in reconnecting with someone I worked with, Larry Baer.
Photo of PFC McCall taken in early 1967.
Posted 11 APR 2022
You can make contact via email to the Swamp_fox address at the bottom of this page.
Vietnam Vet looking for his friend,
Robert W. English Jr.
E Company, 3rd Battalion, 12th Infantry
4th Infantry Division
We are looking for Robert W. English Jr., who at the time lived in El Paso, TX. Robert was known as Robby, and his nickname for his buddy was Porkchop. Also, Porkchop said everyone in 4.2 Platoon would remember Irma, the stray dog Robby adopted. Any ideas you can send our way will be greatly appreciated.
You can make contact through the swamp_fox email address at the bottom of this page.
Sgt Leonard McElroy
It is with great sadness I must pass on that SGT Leonard McElroy passed away Feb 7, 2022. Mac had heart surgery to replace a heart valve on Monday, January 3rd and had some complications. He passed away peacefully.
Thanks to Rick Sauer, A Co 1 / 8 Inf for letting us know. Really enjoyed being with Mac at the Alpha Company reunions and will surely miss him. He was a true patriot. Rest in peace my friend.
Eladio H. Valenzuela
My dad served as medic 1968-69 in either 2nd or 3rd battalion. His name is Eladio H. Valenzuela. I unfortunately can't ask him any longer as he has advanced dementia. As I was growing up, he very slowly opened up about what he saw. Recently, in the last 10 yrs, he often wondered what happened to many of his brothers in arms. One of his buddies Eliot Wirshbo just recently passed away but when I told Dad, he no longer remembered him. I just wanted to see if anyone remembered my dad.
Eladio 3rd
Posted: 06 JAN 2022
If you remember his Dad, send an email to the swamp_fox address listed at the bottom of the page and I will forward it to him.
John Charles Beirne
1st Bn, 8th Infantry
4th Infantry Division, RVN
Hi Homer,
Veterans Day having just passed had me looking deeply into the internet about the 4th ID and the 1st of the 8th.
My father was a platoon leader with the 1st of the 8th in 1969. I think he got there in February or March. He left after being shot and wounded on September 26th of that year, having just had his 23rd birthday eighteen days before.
He died of stroke related complications back in late 2010. His name was John Charles Beirne from Jersey City, NJ.
I wish I knew in which company he served, but I do not. I just spent the last three hours lost in your website. If I can find anything in his army related files that I think might make a good fit for the site, I will definitely send them your way.
Thank you so much for putting that up. It puts so much perspective on what you guys went through.
Posted: 14 NOV 2021
If you remember his Dad, send an email to the swamp_fox address listed at the bottom of the page and I will forward it to him.
From Yout Webmaster "Swamp_fox"
Another Sad Passing of a Vietnam Veteran and True Patriot
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Lt. Robert Kent Goolsby
Platoon Leader
Bravo Company
1st Bn, 8th Inf
4th Infantry Division, RVN
Kent served as an officer in the prestigious Old Guard tied to the White House and Arlington Cemetery, guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. He later served as a platoon leader in Vietnam, earning numerous medals, including both a Bronze Star and Silver Star. The Silver Star, the Army's third highest honor, was awarded to Kent in 1969 for distinguishing himself by advancing under heavy enemy fire to take out a sniper position with a well-placed grenade. A Platoon Leader and very brave hero, Lt. Goolsby saw some very intense combat and his courage and leadership were awe inspiring. My condolences to those he leaves behind. We have lost a true patriot and I have lost a good friend. I was the Company Executive Officer and admired Kent very much. His men spoke very highly of him and trusted his judgment completely. He was an example to us all. I am proud to have served with him and called him a friend.
Posted: 10 OCT 2021
If you want to add to Lt. Goolsby's memorial, send an email to the Swamp_fox email address at the bottom of this page and I will post it on the B/1/8 Infantry Guestbook page.
PVT Art Hughes
1st Bn, 35th Infantry
3rd Bde, 25th Inf
4th Infantry Division, RVN
1967 -1968
I'm looking for information on William Dean Wilson, KIA 5/25/1968
on FSB-29. Dean was from Oklahoma and was assigned to Charlie Company, 1st Bn, 8th Inf, 4th Inf Div, RVN.
Dean was a good friend and I would like to find out more about his service and the details of his death.
Posted: 09 SEP 2021
If you know more details, send an email to the swamp_fox address listed at the bottom of the page and I will forward it to him.
Update from Andy Day on C/1/8th Reunion for 2021 in Branson, MO.
Thanks to Joe Barrera B/1/8 Infantry, for sending this link. "What is a Vietnam Veteran?"
PFC Franklin E. Sollars
B Company, 3rd Bn, 12th Inf
4th Infantry, Vietnam
Hello, I am Alexander Tadlock. For a few months I have been researching men from near my hometown who were killed in action in Vietnam. I recently asked my grandmother if she knew any names I could study. This led to a US Army PFC from B Company, 3rd Battalion, 12th Regiment, 4th Division named Franklin E Sollers. He was in the same graduating class as my grandmother. I have reached a block on his story, only knowing the general circumstances of his death. If there is any information or any veterans who may have known him, I would appreciate it greatly.
Posted: 1 AUG 2021
If you can assist Mr. Tadlock, send an email to the swamp_fox address listed at the bottom of the page and I will forward it to him.
Ernie Camacho
125 Air Traffic Company
4th Infantry Division, RVN
Dak To Vietnam - 1967-1968 - Photos, Documents, Maps
Ernie Camacho came to Dak To in June of 1967 to set up the field for an
operation called Operation Greeley (June 17 - Oct. 12), which morphed into
Operation MacArthur that lasted until the end of January, 1969. His website is
dedicated to the men who participated in Operations Greeley and MacArthur,
including members of the 4th Infantry Division, the 173 Airborne Brigade, and
his unit, the 125 Air Traffic Company. Great site, which you should visit, if
were ever in Dak To, or Pleiku.
Posted 27 JUN 2021
If you wish to make contact with Ernie,email swamp_fox at the address on the bottom of this webpage and I will forward it to him.
Sp/4 Peter R. Hansen
Company C, 2nd Bn, 8th Inf
4th Infantry Division, RVN
1 JAN 1968 - 6 FEB 1968
I am looking for anyone who served with my brother, Peter R. Hansen. Pete was a Specialist Four in C Co, 2nd BN, 8th Infantry, 4th INF DIV, USARV. He started his tour on 1/1/68 and was KIA on 2/6/68, so he was only there a month and was stationed in Pleiku Province. He was MIA initially, but his body was recovered a week or so later and then declared KIA at that time. He was a quiet small town boy, standing 6’-6”. As he was 12 years older than me, I don’t remember much about him, but hope to learn more about his time in the service.
I would love to have a phone call with anyone that remembers Pete, or buy him a cup of coffee.
Posted 16 JUN 2021
If you wish to make contact with Kurt, email swamp_fox at the address on the bottom of this webpage and I will forward it to him.
Don Siemers
4th Admin Company
4th Infantry Division, RVN
I would like to reconnect and talk with anyone I served with in 1969-70 with 4th Admin, Camp Enari and Camp Radcliff.
Posted 1 JUN 2021
If you wish to make contact with Don, email swamp_fox at the address on the bottom of this webpage and I will forward it to him.
Don Reinholz
1st Bn, 12th Infantry
Hello Homer Steedly.
I am looking for a man named Joe Cook who was in the 4th
Div. I don’t know what unit. Time frame 1967/68. We were in Basic and AIT at Ft Polk. After arriving in country were were sent to the Fourth Infantry Division. I was in the 1/12th Infantry. I saw
Joe once on a hill top north west of Dak To for about 15 minutes. If you know of him or how I might be able to follow up looking for him, your help would be greatly appriecated.
Thank You
Don Reinholz
Posted 14 MAY 2021
If you wish to make contact with Don, email swamp_fox at the address on the bottom of this webpage and I will forward it to him.
SGT Michael "Cuddles" Burwel
HHC, 1st Bn, 12th Infantry 4th Infantry Division, Vietnam FEB 1969 - MAR 1970
"Cuddles" is how I was affectionately known. I was a radio operator sent out to LZ Mile High the morning after arriving at Camp Enari on Feb 15, 1969. Spent just about all 13-1/2 months on the several LZ's in the area. Returned to Base camp 5 days before DEROS. I would really like to get in touch with some of the guys I served with in the Commo Section.
Posted: 28 MAR 2021
If you remember Michael, send an email to the swamp_fox address listed at the bottom of the page and I will forward it to him.
SP/4 Lawrence William Maple
HQ Company, 3rd Bn, 8th Inf
4th Infantry, Vietnam
My name is Christopher Maple and I am a Veteran of Desert Storm. My father recently passed away and in his things I found my Uncle Larry's DD-214.He served in Vietnam as a supply specialist between 30 Dec 1966 - 17 DEC 1968. My uncle never talked about the war even after I entered the Army. He died several years ago and I was wondering if there are any sources, besides these pages, that might shed some light on his service.
Posted: 28 MAR 2021
If you remember SP/4 Maple, send an email to the swamp_fox address listed at the bottom of the page and I will forward it to Chirstopher.
Great photo gallery of Charlie Company, 1/69th Armor sent in by CPT Ray Baird, CO 1968-69.
Looking for the owner of this Vietnam Era Jacket. Click here for the photo. CPT Long - Airborne - 4th Infantry
Leonard Stovall
4th Infantry
I arrived in country 10 June 1968, and departed 09 June 1969. We
were mechanized, meaning we moved around on Armored Personnel Carriers, relocating every few days or weeks. Our main base camp was Camp Enari in Pleiku, and sometimes we were stationed in An Khe and Kontum. I remember Chandler Pringle and Joseph Wiser or Weiser, both from Philadelphia, Andre Brown from Baltimore, Tommy Jackson, Raymond Cuss or Kuss, and Will Clark from parts unknown. I know Chester McDaniel was killed in 68. I remember Jose' Barrios and 2 more last names Saenz and Ramirez. Would like to reconnect with some of the men I served with in Vietnam.
Posted 16 NOV 2020
Use the Swamp_Fox email address to make contact. He doesn't have email, but I can get you in touch with
Help this daughter connect with her Veteran father.
I hope this email finds you well. I am helping my mother look for
her father, who was stationed in Pleiku in 1967. My mother was born August 1967
and also has a younger sister that was born 2-3 years after her, same father. A
few years later, he came home to the states and brought my moms younger sister
home and my mom was in a different city so was not able to come back with him.
After everything, my grandma burned any pictures or letters that had to do with
my grandpa because the communists were coming and they could not risk their
lives. With that being said, we do not have any name or address. The only
information I have of him is he should be about 74-78 years old, younger than my
grandma, had a family member that was a nurse, and called my mom "Lucky" as a
nickname. If you have any information or anyone I could get in contact with,
please let me know. I would love for my mom and her father to be reunited, or
for her to know any information about him.
Use the email address at the bottom of this page to contact me, if you can help.
Calling All 4th Infantry Division, Vietnam Veterans
If you have any copies of orders, travel, unit assignment, awards, anything with the names of your fellow soldiers, please send them to me. I will not release any SSAN or Service numbers to anyone, except those listed on the orders. These valuable historical documents can assist in getting records updated/corrected and often help veterans reconnect with the persons, who are only remembered by their nicknames. This is really important! Go through your stuff...copies of orders were often included in the awards case, when the award was made. Send a cell phone copy or scanned computer image to me or better yet, email me and I will give you my mailing address so you can send me a photo copy. Your documents could mean a lot to one of our fellow soldiers.
Thanks...Homer - aka Swampfox
Use email address at bottom of
page to contact me for mailing address or phone number. You have
to type in the address manually, and don't forget to include the
"Underscore" character between the Swamp and fox. Swamp_fox
Click on the IVY Patch to see how you can help tell our story.
Visit www.tibart.com, a wonderful nature photography site designed by my wife, Tibby. (Some of my photography is shown there also.) Her YouTube channel is pisgahtib --- my channel is swampfoxrvn.
Please send me the link to any page with errors so I can make corrections.
Your Webmaster
Homer R. Steedly Jr.
Infantry Small Unit Commander
1st Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment
4th Infantry Division, Vietnam
2Lt. 1st Plt Ldr, B/1/8th Infantry ------------ AUG 1968 - NOV 1968
1Lt. Executive Officer, B/1/8th Infantry ----- NOV 1968 - MAY 1969
1Lt. CO HHC, 1/8th Infantry Battalion ----- MAY 1969 - OCT 1969
Cpt. CO D/1/8th Infantry ------------------ OCT 1969 - FEB 1970
Cpt. S-3 Air, 1/8th Inf, Battalion TOC ----- FEB-MAR 1970
I remained on active duty until 1975, then stayed in the Reserves until 1982,
leaving the service with the rank of Major.
I served two tours in the Jungles of the Central Highlands of South
Vietnam, along the Cambodia/Laos border, patrolling the Ho Chi Minh
Trail system...Dak To – Ban Me Thout – Pleiku – An Khe – Qui Nhon, but
spent most of my time in the triple canopy jungles, sleeping in the mud,
heat, insects, and climbing those mountains and ridges with my 80 lb.
rucksack, always aware that at any minute the boredom could become
terror, as the enemy tried to kill everyone of us, 24 hours a day, seven
days a week, all the while waiting for that first explosion or the sound of AK-47 rifle fire.
As an inexperienced 22 year old 2nd Lt Platoon Leader on my first tour commanding 2-3 dozen men and on my second tour as a Captain Company Commander responsible for almost 100 lives, I never fell asleep until exhaustion forced me to and then slept fitfully, terrified that I might have forgotten to do something important, which could get some of my men injured or killed.
Now half a century later, as I approach my 75th birthday, I still find myself reliving those traumatic times, when men died under my command ... wondering ... if I had been smarter ... could I have done more ... was I diligent enough ... why them and not me.
I made it back alive, but a major part of my soul died in those jungles. I am no longer that innocent, shy, farm boy, who went to war for the country he loved. While I am the person I am today, because of the hard lessons I learned in Vietnam, I pray that someday our leaders will find a way to stop sending young men away from their home and loved ones, to kill young men doing the same thing.
Wonder what it would be like, if we spent all the military budgets of the planet on making life better for EVERYONE!
If you want to talk, email me and I will send you my phone number.
If you decide to call me, you have to leave a message and return number.
only pickup for family. I will call you back as soon as I get your message.
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