Site Map of
Information from over 389 Veterans of 4th Infantry in Vietnam
Thousands of photos
Hundreds of Stories
Updated 05/26/2023
This page gives the general layout of this website. The underlined headings link you to pages for that section.
Each Unit Assigned to the 4th
Infantry Division in Vietnam has a section here. Each section is broken down
into an Index Page with unit crest, motto and external website links, with
additional links to the Photo, Story, and Guestbook pages for the unit.
If you do not find a guestbook for your unit, or you were not with the 4th
Infantry...use the My Guestbook link below to comment or share your stories.
This includes everyone concerned enough to make a statement, especially family
and friends of Veterans, past and present.
All entries should be sent by email to the Swamp_Fox email address at the bottom
of the page.
Each Unit has it's own Guestbook page.
Glossary of Vietnam Era Military Terms
Use this Glossary to look military specific Terms, Acronyms, and Abbreviations, with illustrations.
Personal Story of Webmaster...Homer R. Steedly Jr.
This is my personal story of Vietnam
as a Platoon Leader and Executive Officer with B Company, 1st Bn, 8th Infantry,
and during my second tour of duty,
as a Company Commander of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, and D Companies, 1st
Bn, 8th Infantry,
ending with a short tour in the Battalion Tactical Operations Center as the S-3
air coordinator.
Photos of me from ROTC, Enlisted Service, Officer's Candidate School, 2nd Lt. Stateside, and RVN and finally as a 1st Lt., CPT in Vietnam.
Homer's Healing Journey Back to Vietnam
Returning nearly 40 years later to help a Vietnamese family locate the remains of a Vietnamese Medic I killed during my first tour.
My Guestbook
Everyone invited to comment here.
Everyone is invited to comment here. Veterans and their friends and families, veterans from other units and branches of service, other wars, civilians, please share your thoughts, memories, and memorabilia through this page. Desperately want to hear more about the people who have had to cope with the deaths, injuries, and personality changes brought on by combat in veterans and the effect it has had on your lives. Please read the instructions carefully about how to get your message posted. No ranting, raving, flaming or disrespect will make it to this site.
This section began with the restoration of a WW I photo of my wife's Grandfather General James C. Dozier, recipient of the Medal of Honor. Additional WW I entries are being added as I find them. Please feel free to contribute to this section.
This section began as I attempted to locate the creator of a wood burning I found in my Dad's memorabilia after his death. More entries about WW II will be added in the near future. Your stories, photos, and memorabilia welcome.
This section is a personal narrative and photo blog about my life today. The photos of my hiking in the mountains of Western North Carolina, show many of the same wild flowers I saw upon returning to Vietnam in May of 2008. It really is a small world after all.
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Type site:followed by the URL of any website you want to search.
Follow the website name with a single space, then type your search phrase.
Hit Enter or Return to begin the search.
This will work for most websites, not just mine.
Example: Fire Base
Searches my entire site for all references to the term Fire Base
All Email addresses are in picture format only to discourage web bots from harvesting for junk mail lists. Type them into your mail manually. Site designed for text size medium and desktop resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels.
Webmaster:Homer R. Steedly Jr.
) Copyright 08/12/1995 -
06/08/2024. Commercial Use of material on this site is prohibited.