A Company, 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division

Photo Galleries

These are some photos I took Friday, 14 May 2010 with members of A/1/8 and B/1/8 Infantry, 4th Infantry Division during their reunion in Washington, D. C. at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

These are photos of 1st Sergeant McNerney and his men. It includes a tribute to this Medal of Honor recipient and true American hero, David H. McNerney.

Gene "Smokey" Bennett, served with A-1-8 from 11-'67 to 11'68. He was an RTO and has shared a copy of ARCOM orders and a Roster for A/1/8 from 1968. He remembers Capt. Sepanski. They were known as "Spanky and the Gang". He would like to know what happened to "Wolfie" and has regrets about the circumstances that occurred just before their deployment. Email Swamp_fox address at bottom of page and I will put you in touch with his brother Bruce.

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