The Documentary "Honor in the Valley of Tears" directed by Eric S. Dow and produced by John A. Ponsoll tells Top's story and the story of his "boys" in A/1/8.
You can purchase a copy from Amazon dot com at the link above. Perhaps your local library might obtain a copy for the community. It is a powerful story...

Dedication of 1st SGT David McNerney's Medal of Honor Monument

first sergeant david mcnerney moh

The Dedication of David McNerney's Medal of Honor Monument will be September 11, 2010 at 1000 hours.

Crosby American Legion Post 658
14890 FM 2100
Crosby, TX 77532 (fly into Houston)

Leonard McElroy has a block of rooms reserved for us call him before you make reservations. He needs the names of those staying at the Hampton Inn - make your reservations ASAP!!

This is the program for the ceremony...

front of brochure for mcnerney monument dedication

back of brochure for mcnerney monument dedication

Click the Medal to see some photos of the placing of the monument and the dedication ceremony in Crosby, TX. and additional photo galleries...

moh icon
And Sadly A Final Tribute To A True American Hero...

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