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PFC Eugene Poeling
Bravo Company, 1st Battalion
8th Infantry Regiment
4th Infantry Division, Vietnambsm with V Device for Valor

On May 20, 1967, during the battle of 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division, Vietnam known as the “Nine Days in May’, while outside the night perimeter of B Company, North Vietnamese troops tripped a flare in front of a four-man Listening Post (LP) led by SGT James Bloom. Bloom opened fire unhesitatingly at the NVA silhouetted in the white light of the flare. SP/4 John Richey, SP/4 Larry Gerken and PFC Eugene Poeling joined in the firefight. Certain that the tripped flare and ensuing gunfire had betrayed the location of their LP, Gerken scampered along with Bloom and Richey, back through the undergrowth toward the B Company line. Poeling stayed behind to cover their withdrawal. NVA small-arms fire crackled behind them but the three grunts, covered by PFC Poeling, managed to reach the B Company line. SP/4 Gerken found a sturdy log some twenty meters inside the perimeter and leaped behind it. Poeling, dashing back through the jungle, huddled up behind the same log. Moments later, a mortar shell exploded nearby, filling the air with jagged chunks of metal. Poeling, twenty-one, of Worden Illinois, was killed instantly. Cheerful and easy going, he had only been in-country for about a month, “He (Poeling) wasn’t six feet from me and he got killed but I didn’t get a scratch,” Gerken noted. Gene was a damn good soldier, but that’s just the way things were.” PFC Poeling was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star for Valor for singlehandedly covering the withdrawal of his LP team.

Bill Harden, Post Historian of VFW Post 5077, O’Fallon, Missouri began an initiative to honor the memory of PFC Poeling by updating and improving his grave marker to reflect the posthumous award of the Bronze Star with Valor. PFC Poeling’s brother Paul Poeling and his sister Mary Sutton, unveiled the new grave marker.

This story came to my attention from the Mail Bag section of the Summer 2020 edition of the "IVY LEAVES" publication of the National Fourth Infantry Division Association. I was touched by PFC Poeling's bravery and also by the efforts of the VFW Post Historian, after all these years, who upon discovering this missing honor, put in the effort to have PFC Poeling's marker updated for the recipient’s Brother, Sister and his fellow soldiers. As a fellow member of B/1/8 in 1968, I salute the dedication of PFC Poeling to the safety of his men. May his act of courage be remembered for all time.

Here are some photos of the ceremony and of PFC Poeling.

If you wish to make contact with his siblings, email swamp_fox at the address at the bottom of the webpage and I will forward it, or contact V.F.W. Post 4219.

Posted 25 JAN 2019

PFC Clarence (Cully) Culbreath
B Company, 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment
4th Infantry Division, Vietnam
December 1968 - April 1969

In looking at your website I noticed a Larry Shierbeek. I was checking to see if he was in my squad when we were ambushed in March 25, 1969. I believe he may have been in my squad and was point man with me, Cully, Chubby, and Larry when we busted an ambush after blowing up a water crossing. My memory isn’t good enough to remember everyone, but I think he might be the Larry that I remember. Thank you so much for your website. It is very helpful.

If you wish to make contact with him, email swamp_fox at the address at the bottom of the webpage and I will forward it to Cully.

Posted 25 JAN 2019

Sad News ... Colonel Robert Sholly lost his battle with cancer.

One of our finest Company Commanders and a true gentleman I had the honor to call a friend. This great American Veteran and hero, whose courage in combat inspired us all, will be remembered always by those who had the privilege of knowing and serving with him. His book "Young Soldiers Amazing Warriors: Inside One of the Most Highly Decorated Battalions of Vietnam" is the story of CPT Sholly, CO of B/1/8 from July - October 1967. This book gives a riveting account of life for the 4th Infantry "Grunts" in the jungles of the Central Highlands of Vietnam.

Ted Driesbach


My name is Chris Driesbach, son of Ted Driesbach. My uncle was recently browsing the web and came across a picture of my dad on your website. That is my father on the left. My father knows the full story of what really happened to Hicks, as he was the radioman and was there when they were ambushed, not once, but twice.

He and Hicks actually went through training together and ended up being in the same company I believe.

He doesn't have e-mail, as he doesn't even own a computer, but if you would like to talk to him and get the entire story as well as put him in touch with Richard Dalton and Larry Shierbeek, he is willing to talk about what happened that day.

Also I know he has a lot of pictures, and they would be a great asset to your site. I have a scanner and could send them to you but he needs to go through them and caption them.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Chris Driesbach

If you need to contact Ted, email me at Swamp_Fox address below and I will forward it to him.

Posted ?? January 2015

Larry Shierbeek
B Company, 2nd Platoon
1st of the 8th Infantry


I was with Hicks, when he went MIA (live that day everyday). Anyone out there remember me???

If you need to contact Larry, email me at swampfox address below and I will forward it to him.

Posted 18 MAY 2014

CPT Robert Sholly
B/1/8 CO
July - October 1967

Captain Robert H. Sholly, CO B/1/8, 1967 has written a compelling book about the 1/8th Infantry units, who left Ft. Lewis and began their initial tour in Vietnam. "Young Soldiers Amazing Warriors: Inside One of the Most Highly Decorated Battalions of Vietnam " is available on Amazon.com in Kindle format and gives great insight into those early days in the Vietnam War.

If you need to contact Bob, email me at Swamp_Fox address below and I will forward it to him.

Update: 19 March 2014

Posted 28 February 2014

Joe Barrera
2nd Squad, 2nd Platoon, Bravo Company
1st Bn, 8th Infantry Regiment
4th Infantry Division, Vietnam

Central Highlands, August 1967 to June 1968

I had been web surfing for a few months before coming across your unit pages. I do not remember much about my time in Viet Nam and have tried very hard to forget it, which has not been easy. I am now trying to get my records corrected with the VA which also is not easy. In reviewing your guest book I came across a few names that I recall and this was the first time in all my looking, that I knew I was in the right place.

The first name I saw was: Capt. Crunch. Then I saw a short note from "Chad Magnuson" in which he named Penny (Southern California); his first name is Richard (Dick) the radio man for CPT Crunch. I also recall a name of "Ponco" (did not see it mentioned in any of the emails) also from Southern California I believe Anaheim.

In June of 1968 some of us were taken out of the company and "infused" into the 25th Division.

I remember Charles Michaeli, Gilberto Legarreta, Al Ryberg, SFC Alvarez, call sign Mongoose, LT Allen, call sign Angel Eyes, LT Christenson, who was transferred out, and of course CPT Christie - everybody called him CPT Crunch, after the breakfast cereal character. I also remember 1LT Shaeffer, call sign Half-Track, because he was an Armor officer, who got sent to the Infantry. I was Half-Track's RTO in the spring of 1968. Half-Track took over as platoon leader after LT Christenson left. I know one thing for sure about Half-Track. He may have been an Armor officer but he was a damned good soldier who knew the Infantry business. I also remember SFC Holden, who was assistant platoon sergeant to SFC Alvarez. Both of these guys were good. They knew what they were doing. I remember when CPT Moore, who took over from Crunch, was hit in the head by a grenade fragment on Firebase Dogbone. This was in May 1968. In January 1968, Kenneth Dau, from Minnesota, was killed. I was standing next to him but I moved in one direction and he moved in another. He bought the farm. I also remember when Robert Brigham, my friend in the 3rd Platoon, I believe, was killed by U.S. artillery. He had just come back from Dragon Mountain, where he had tried to re-up, but only for a three-year tour. He wanted the Army to give him leave to go home and see his new baby, but he didn't want to take a burst of six, he only wanted three. He did not get his three-years, so he came back out to the company. I talked with him at the LZ when he came back. The next day he was dead. I picked up his helmet - his brains were in it. When you got to Bravo in August 1968 I was already on my way back to the world. I missed the Company and all my friends. You are right, there was an esprit de corps in that brave band of brothers. You can certainly put my email on the website. I was thinking of some of the other men in Bravo, 1/8th, 2nd platoon in 67-68. There was my friend, "Cooter" Cathey, from South Carolina, I believe. He would fall out on some of those long humps up and down the mountains in the Central Highlands. I would always say to him, "Excelsior!" I think he was ready to shoot me because I kept telling him that. But it was all in fun. I really missed him when he derosed. Cooter was a literate man, and we shared a liking for good books. When I first got to Bravo, we were in the Ia Drang near Duc Co. I remember the sound of the NVA trucks in Laos or Cambodia at night, that was the story anyway. My first squad leader was a Mexican American guy (Chicano) named Manuel, from Beeville, Texas. I don't remember his last name. He derosed shortly after I arrived. Manuel was a short guy, but very strong. The quality that I remember about him was that he was completely unflappable. Nothing rattled him. In my first fire fight he very calmly showed me how to straighten out grenade pins, lay out the frags in an orderly row in front of me, and then how to put out lead, load and reload, keep all my magazines in order, etc. I learned a lot from Manuel. A later squad leader in the 2nd squad, 2nd Platoon was Al Ryberg, from Genoa, Illinois. Al always had his baggy jungle fatigue trousers neatly tied close to his legs with old bootlaces. He was a squared away type of guy. I remember the endless games of whist and poker that he would play with Munson, Tramp and Jonesy. There was also Phil Strange (I think I got his name right), who lucked out and drew the short straw and got to go in and see the Bob Hope show. I think that was around Christmas 1967. There was a guy named Munson, who had been wounded in the shoulder, if I recall correctly, during the Nine Days in May. That was before I got there. There was a farm boy from Nebraska named Gayly Pasch (not sure about the name), a really good man. Gilberto LaGarreta, from Puerto Rico, told me about his friend, Alvarez, who had been killed just before I arrived. I never knew that Alvarez, but SFC Alvarez was the platoon sergeant when I got there, another Puerto Rican guy named Alvarez. He was a WWII and Korean War veteran, probably in his forties when he was there with us. But that guy could hump. Age had not affected him. There was a Chicano guy named Padilla, who called himself "J.C." He acted like the Lord. And another Hispanic guy named Dickie Sedillo, from Wyoming, I believe. A really mellow black guy named Johnny Fluellen, who had a Signal Corps MOS and was always asking, "Now why did they send me out here with the Infantry?" Johnny and I got sh**-faced drunk on Suntory Japanese whiskey during one of our rare breaks at Camp Enari. The next day real early they put us on trucks and we convoyed up to the side of one of the steepest, highest mountains near Pleiku. It was no fun climbing that hill with the worst hangover I've ever had. But we made it, both of us pushed up that hill by SFC Holden. There was a real quiet guy named Dave Waller from Alabama. You could absolutely depend on him for anything. There were two soul brothers, Jonesy and "Tramp." Later on there was Oswinkle, who had been with the 2nd Division on the DMZ in Korea and never quit telling stories about that. The first sergeant was a Southerner named Thigpen. He was rather unpopular and you can guess what his nickname was. I remember one day that Childs, a squad leader in another platoon and his squad killed a gook who was wearing a shirt with the five Olympic rings on it. 1SGT Thigpen walked by me carrying the bloody shirt, saying that Childs and his squad had killed one of North Vietnam's athletes who was on his way to the Mexico City Olympics, this was in 1968. There was my friend Ickes from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, or somewhere close to that. In another platoon there was a lumberjack named Goodpastor. He had the double-bladed ax and the little monkey--again if I remember correctly. And of course, my squad mate, Kenneth Dau, one of the strongest men I have ever known. The day he died we ran from a regiment of NVA. Kenneth had to hump two rucksacks because the patrol that had gone out and made contact with the NVA had dropped their rucks. We couldn't leave them behind so Kenneth carried the extra ruck on top of his, holding on to it with both hands up over his head. He did it while we were hauling ass to the nearest high feature, where we hastily cleared an LZ and built a perimeter. That was when Kenneth was hit by the falling tree blown down with C4. He didn't want try run, even though I yelled at him to come with me. He and I were standing side by side just when they yelled, "fire in the hole!" I ran, he didn't. He died. I lived. I suppose that he was too tired from the load he had carried that day. As you know, a soldier's rucksack could weigh up to 70 pounds, fully loaded. And he had carried two. Later,
when they were investigating this "accident," LT King, who was the Bravo XO, but stayed in Base Camp, came out and interviewed me about Kenneth's last moments. I had to tell him that we had both heard the warning. Kenneth actually died in the Aid Station at Dak To, because the docs there apparently didn't realize that his spleen had been ruptured by the hit he took from the tree. He went to sleep and never woke up, bleeding internally. The story was that they could have put him on a chopper and sent him to the Mountain (Camp Enari), but they thought he was all right. Later, we got a clipping from his hometown newspaper in Minnesota. The paper said he had died while "bulldozing." That was Kenneth's occupation back home--heavy equipment operator. I have always wanted to go and find his family and tell them about Kenneth. But I don't know where he was from, except that it was in Minnesota. He was a very good man. It's strange how much I remember of all these details about our personal lives that we shared over C-rations. But then again, sometimes I get all confused and can't seem to keep anything straight about that year in my life. I would like very much to go and visit with you in NC. I live alone now, and even though I have many friends and acquaintances and stay busy with volunteer projects, I live a lonely existence. My wife and I are divorced, my children are grown and living their own lives.

I stay busy with my novel, which is almost completed. I think you can guess what that novel is about. I'll send you a copy when I get it published. Of course, it's fictionalized, but I think when you read it that you will recognize Bravo Company. Regardless, I'm sure that we could have a good time reminiscing. I don't have any materials from my Nam days. My mother threw away all my letters. My girlfriend to whom I sent many letters has moved on. I have not seen her for many years. I lost the few photos I had in one of my many, many moves. I do have a very tattered copy of the orders for the CIB award. It's got the names of some of the other guys who got the CIB with me. I'll see if I can scan it and send it to you. It may be useful for those trying to remember names or locate friends. OK, Homer, I hope that some of these people I mention will find the website, read my "memoirs," and maybe get in touch with me. I would like to hear from everybody. Thanks for all the work you do on this. I appreciate it. Also Felix, with the double headed axe. I am from Southern California as well; Glendale which is the same as Penny. I now live in a small town in Ohio. I had to get out from all the pressure and people of Southern California.

Please feel free to post this and I would love from anyone that remembers me or even those who don't.

Joe sent along a copy of his CIB orders from 11 December 1967. I was delighted to find the name of my old 1SGT Thigpen listed.

If you need to contact Joe, email me at Swamp_Fox address below and I will forward it to him.

Posted 22 February 2014

Dan H. Pratt (E-5)
Viet Nam June 67 to Aug 68


I had been web surfing for a few months before coming across your unit pages. I do not remember much about my time in Viet Nam and have tried very hard to forget it, which has not been easy. I am now trying to get my records corrected with the VA which also is not easy. In reviewing your guest book I came across a few names that I recall and this was the first time in all my looking, that I knew I was in the right place.

The first name I saw was: Capt. Crunch

Then I saw a short note from "Chad Magnuson" in which he named Penny (Southern California); his first name is Richard (Dick) the radio man for CPT Crunch.

I also recall a name of "Ponco" (did not see it mentioned in any of the emails) also from Southern California I believe Anaheim.

Also Felix, with the double headed axe.

I am from Southern California as well; Glendale which is the same as Penny. I now live in a small town in Ohio. I had to get out from all the pressure and people of Southern California.

Please feel free to post this and I would love from anyone that remembers me or even those who don't.

If you need to contact Dan, email me at Swamp_Fox address below and I will forward it to him.

Posted 22 March 2013

SGT Tommy Baird

I was reading Robert Granger’s Stories, and hate to tell him Bitch died soon after I arrived in Vietnam. We gave her a Military Funeral. The Monkey jumped out of a chopper; some one forgot to tie her down. I came in country June, 69. I was a squad leader 3rd squad 3rd platoon for most of my Tour. B Co. was deactivated in March, 70, then to C Troop 1/10th Cav. When I got to B Co. they were in the bush, moving to a hill to build a Fire Support Base. First week there we were mortared. It was early one morning at daylight. There was a 105 Recoilless Rifle on our side of the perimeter. All 21 rounds hit all around us. The Medic was hit, guess he went home, never saw him again. While on this Fire Support base, Bitch found a skull and we put CPT Bars on it. The CO had a bunker inspection and found the skull. We had to bury that skull in a 6x6x6 hole. No one was happy about that. While on Patrol one night, we set up on a hill across the valley from our Fire Support Base. Problem was there were two mountains. The Lt. said we were on the one on the right. I said we were on the one on the left. I gave in and in the middle of the night, 155’s dropped in on us. After that things got easier . We ran into a few small skirmishes, but nothing major. There was the time we set up in waist high grass, and something was coming right at us. The two guys closest to the motion were going to throw a grenade and arguing over who was to throw it and when. As they threw it, it sounded like it hit a tree. One of them said” OH MY GOD IT HIT A TREE AND BOUNCED BACK”. They had the damdest fight and Leap Frog game you ever saw or couldn’t see because it was about 2:30 in AM. We had a chopper crash in an LZ we built. About Nov. 69, we were south of Pleiku in tall dry grass and a fire started. It was pretty bad for a while. December came and we moved back to An Khe. Then it was 10 day stand down during Christmas of 1969 and New Year 1970. I got 7 stitches in my mouth thanks to my Point Man, an Indian from S. Dakota. Indians and alcohol don’t mix. My story was I fell down. I wasn’t going to lose my Point Man. We did pull guard on the perimeter during this time. Me Ron Davis and Glen Borge were in the same Bunker. Glen got hit by a Rock. I don’t remember who threw it. January 2, 1970 we Combat assaulted into Binh Dinh Province . I remember it was a valley, either Happy Valley, or V.C. Valley don’t remember which one. We came out March 17, 1970, with two less squad members Ron Davis from New Boston, New Hampshire—Panel W-14 Line 59, and My Point Man David Larson Panel W 13 Line63. After all that they told us that Co. B 1/8 Infantry would not continue and would be Deactivated, and everyone would be sent to different units. What a sad day.

Men I remember:
Sterner N, Y.—2 –Hamiltons –Glen Borge-Jack Guilland RTO-Sweet Lou- Brownie-Harrellson Doc from K.C. or St. Louis-Dennis Colosky
and most of all Ron Davis and David Larsen.

Posted 22 March 2013

Gilberto Legarreta

Hello, my name is Gilberto Legarreta I also served with B Company, 1st Bn, 8th Inf, 4th Inf Division from
May of 1967. On August 12, 1967 I was there the day my friend George Alvarez from the
second platoon was KIA. There were 3 kills KIA's and 15 WIA's that day. This is the first time I have
been able to contact anybody from B Company and I would like to share more information and pictures.

It really delighted me that this site on the internet gives us the opportunity to communicate with our brothers from Vietnam. I would like for this to be posted on the site and have people respond or communicate with me.

These incidents occurred in YA 803-336 Due Co (coordinates).

I want to make contact with these two people from B/1/8...

Hello - Charles Younginer, my name is Gilberto Legarreta I also served with B Company, 1st Bn, 8th Inf. 4th
Inf Division from May of 1967. I also remember the incident of the python and how they put a stick in
it's mouth and then tied it to be able to pull it. I also remember that Captain "Crunch" used to make us
get very short haircuts before going to R&R. I would like to be able to communicate with you so we can
share memories and photos.

Hello Chuck Micheali, my name is Gilberto Legarreta I also served with B Company, 1st Bn 8th Inf. 4th
Inf Division from May of 1967. I read your article and wanted to mention that I also knew SPC4 Lenix ,
SGT. Ryeburg and PFC Grace as well. I have information and pictures to share about them. I
remember on 9/3/67 waiting for the helicopter you spoke about and I also remember at 11:00 pm getting
the news of the helicopter crashing and the mission being canceled while we waited at Du Co Special
Forces Camp. I also remember too, that we were short on ammunition. About a year ago I went back to
Vietnam and I also spent some days in the Pleiku area. It was great for me to be back there. I have
about 700 photos that I would like to share. When I tried to go to the YA-803-336 area of Duc Co, it was not
possible due to government restrictions.

Posted 17 AUG 2012

If you need to contact Gilberto, email me at Swamp_Fox address below and I will forward it to him.

Richard Dalton
1st Bn, 8th Infantry
4th Infantry Division

It was good talking to you and reflecting back on those years. I appreciate the information on Hicks, had a lot of good times with him. I'd like to find out, who was in charge of the mail in the rear; trying to find a lot of pictures that never made it home. I was with you on Hill 467, to the left of the perimeter as you faced the chopper pad. We had some dinks, some called them gooks, try to get into the perimeter that night and we threw frags. The next morning we found two KIA. I also lost my Bowie knife off my rucksack as we were evacuating the hill. It is a family heirloom and I would love to get it back. It's been in my family for a long time. If anyone found it, please contact me through this website. I would also like to contact anyone who was there during the firefight, when Hicks went missing.

This photo is from Richard's wild days in base camp.

Click on thumbnail for larger view.


If you want to contact Richard, email me at the Swamp_Fox address at the bottom of the page and I will get in touch with him.

Posted 14 JUNE 2011

This is another photo of the water tower sent by Tom O'day. He is on the second step from the top in both photos.

Tom O'day
B Company
1st Bn, 8th Infantry
4th Infantry Division

Click thumbnail for larger view.

Dalton and I painted the water tower and we burned shit together at Camp Enari 1969. I was there convalescing from a broken ankle.

If you want to contact Tom, email me at the Swamp_Fox address at the bottom of the page and I will get in touch with him.

Posted 27 AUG 2019

Aubrey Gerald Childs
aka "German Jew"

My name is Aubrey Gerald Childs, aka "German Jew"; served in Nam from August 18,1967 to August 18 ,1968. I was assigned to Company B, 1st Bn, 8th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division. I entered Nam as PFC and left as a SGT, but was supposedly put in for SSG, which I didn't receive until Oct/Nov 1968. I was a machine gunner, I think in 4th Platoon and also Squad Leader around April 68.

I need company records, copies of orders, or information about the following events:

January 7, 1968 Morning Delta Company overrun, we ran to assist ... CO called 155's on us many WIA and KIA, both enemy and friendly fire. ( Price, Doc, Chuck, Shorty Davis, WIA and Bob Brigham, KIA. ) I was shell shocked and had no recollection until late that afternoon. Was told I took the hill with M-60, but have no memory of it.

April 13, 1968 just outside Dak To

June 4, 1968, shrapnel wound when bunker took a direct hit from NVA across border

June 17, 1968 on a firebase near the Cambodian Border

Got malaria in June 1968.

This is all I can come up from letters and an old memory. I need as much documentation about my tour as I can find in order to work with the VA.

Other names (he remembers - sp) : Bob Goodpasture , Penny(Company Clerk), Burns, Jerry Anderson, Premo, Johnny Furrigio, Smitty, Bob Denton.

Thanks, Gerry”

Posted 3 MAY 2011

If you need to contact Gerry, email me at Swamp_Fox address below and I will forward it to him.

James Barnes
D and B Company
1st of the 8th


I was in Viet Nam from 8/67 to 8/68, with the 1/8 Inf, 4th Inf Div. I was with D CO at first and then ( I think B co at the last)
I was with Bruce Andrews when we started - then I was wounded in our first fire fight, I think it was 11/12 or 13/67.
I stayed out until about 12/01/67, then we went into the Ia Drang valley for about 3 days. We only saw movement and called in arty, and did not see any more movement so we left. We did go back later and spotted movement at night killing 4 of them; we had no one hit. I think we stayed maybe 3 days this time.
We were at a firebase and received a round which hit about 10 guys -I do not thank that any one was killed -but a lot of guys where hurt bad.
Tubbs was my other friend and a Medic. He went out on patrol with 5 other guys and as they where coming back into the base camp, he was hit by a grenade that had been placed in a bush. The SGT thought he was died, but he came though it OK. I believe 3 died that day (I think that was with D Company, 4 DEC 67). I was the first Medic there and they had already put 2 guys in bags. I made them take them out and made sure they were dead...(sorry). In Nov 67 we were hit and 3 other great guys where killed.

I had malaria twice, while in Nam. I had to go to Cam Rahn Bay the last time. I came back and stayed in the field about a month, then was sent to Dak To. That's where I stayed for the last 2 months in Vietnam, however it was the greatest time. We worked North of Dak To in the Montagnards village, almost 3 times a week. met the Chief's son, who had been wounded on the chin. His dad was killed by the NVA, so I took him to base camp and worked on him. I let him stay with me, until I had to come home. One of the hardest things I had to do was to take him back to the village. He did not like it - it was a very sad day. One of my friends thinks that a DOC took him home, but I do not know.

SP 5 James Barnes
Medic 67-68

I hope this will help you-I found about 4 D CO guys from your list I hope you can add my name.
Thanks James Barnes

I had a stroke about 11 years ago so! I try my best...

Plan on meeting at the 4th Inf meeting July 4th in Branson, MO this year.
I think that will be great ... Hope you are there ... James Barnes

Some drawings by James are shown here:

If you need to contact James, email me at swampfox address below and I will forward it to him.

Posted 6 MAR 2011

Thomas Healey

I served with B Company, 1st Bn 8th Inf, 4th Infantry Division from May of 1967, until I was wounded on August 12, 1967. We had a minor conflict, but we had to call air strikes that day to help out. We got hit with our own artillery and since I was higher up on the hill, I got hit in the legs but my two friends were killed. The two men that got killed that day were Ed Randazzo, who was quite a character and Len Ludwig, who are both on Vietnam Wall, Panel 24E. There were others killed and wounded when they tried to blow an LZ to land copters. I eventually got out on a bubble top. I think mother gook referred to that in his guest book entry. I went to Cam Rahn Bay and was then reassigned. I left country on May 14, 1968 one year to entry. I became a SGT with a basic training company at Ft. Gordon, GA. I left the army in December of 1968. After leaving the service I became a Police officer in the city of Quincy which borders Boston. I was a detective from 1971 until I retired in 2002. I do remember CPT Christy and now that I am in contact with you, I may start to remember others. Glad you made it back and thank you for your service and thank you for contacting me.

thomas email address

Posted 23 NOV 2010

Bob Sholly
CO, B/1/8

Homer - I have been following your pages for some time and find them to be helpful and interesting. Good job...its nice to know that B, 1-8th was in good hands in the later years.

First I would appreciate it if you would post the following on your guest pages.

I am in the final stages of completing a book about the 1-8th's first year in Vietnam. Beginning from the time we left Ft Lewis in October 1966 and landed in Tuy Hoa, to when we moved west of Pleiku and the battles in the spring of 67 and the Nine Days in May battles, to the battles in Dak To and Kontum in October 1967.

I am looking for guys to interview who were in the 1-8th or supported them from the artillery, engineers, and aircraft, or anyone else who was involved in our actions. I already have a lot of material, but am looking for more individual perspectives to put more passion into an already loaded narrative. I am looking for letters from families of men who were in the unit and individual memories of events and things that stuck in their minds...during that first year we had several small firefights and several large ones that got the attention of everyone in the 4th Infantry Division...but I am also looking for that odd memory that crops up whenever someone thinks about their time over there. We had four Medals of Honor awarded to men in the battalion in a two-month period (McNerney from A Co, Grandstaff and Molnar from B Co and Bellerichard from C Co. It is not only the death and destruction that happened, it is the story that seems funny in retrospect or even was at the time...the monkeys at Dak To, the elephant west of Pleiku discombobulating one of our ambushes when we thought it was an NVA elephant supply column, the squad leader who got confused when he was trying to capture a prisoner and who told a single NVA soldier to DiDi instead of Dung Lai (stop) (which the soldier immediately did). Things like that.

From Oct 66 to Dec 66 I was the Battalion S1, from Dec 66 to July 67 I was the B Company Commander, and from July 67 to Oct 67 I was the S3. This was my first tour and I kept a daily journal of what happened in the unit. Now I want to flesh it out with the memories of the other guys who lived it so that their memories are kept alive as well as the memory of those others who didn't come home.

Guys can contact me by writing to me at: Robert Sholly, PO Box 1590, Pearland, TX 77581 or emailing me at:

Welcome Home guys!

Posted 15 August 2010

Marty O'Donnell
B/1/8 Infantry
4th Infantry Division

I've been surfing the internet for information on my unit in Vietnam since finally going on line a few months ago. I hadn't touched a computer since my forced retirement 8 years ago.

I was assigned to B Co. 1st of the 8th, 4th Div in August, 1968. I arrived at FSB-29 in late August. I was then assigned to the 1st platoon. I went through your website and saw the picture and the name of Wayne Elledge. He was my best friend. I know how our memories fade some, but I'll never forget the day he died. Many mornings we would wake up and there would always be someone who would say, " It looks like a good day to die." Well that October day it came true for Wayne. My 4-man patrol was returning to FSB-29, when we passed Wayne, Larry Conklin, Zeke and a new guy, replacing us. We weren't back on FSB-29 more than half an hour, when we heard a lot of small arms fire. Wayne was killed, Zeke shot up pretty good, the new guy badly wounded in the leg and Larry shot in the neck. Only Larry could return fire and he held the gooks off until choppers arrived. We wanted to go but out, but the Officers wouldn't let us because of the danger of being drawn into a larger ambush. Larry came back to the company later, but was killed in another firefight. I think he was awarded the silver star but can't find the information on the net.

Later in the year I was infused into the 1/14th Infantry and finished my tour with them. Like I said, memories fade and I've never been good with names. Were you our platoon leader, I'm sure it was 1st platoon? If you would like, I can send you some pictures taken around FSB-29 and 32

I was able to straighten out some dates by going through some letters I sent home.

Assigned to B Company, 1st of 8th on 8/31/68. Heard they hadn't lost a man since January '68. 1st platoon, 2nd squad. Took Highway-14 from Pleiku to Dak To during monsoon season. Still at 1st Brigade FSB at Dak To on September12th. Company B had only 3 platoons and 4th was added. Choppered to FSB-29 on September 19th. Left FSB-29 for FSB-30 around October 15, just before NVA started shelling FSB-29. February 6 Dak To turned over to South Vietnamese. February humped to FSB near Kontum. On February 19 five of us left 1st of 8th to be infused into 1st of 14th, 4th Div. March 8th we were at LZ Marylou and choppered to 1st of 14th at Bunker Hill and I stayed with this unit until August '69. Glad my mother saved these letters so I could remember what the hell I was doing. I made copies of several pictures around the time I was with 1/8th. If you would like me to send them to post on your web site, let me know and send me a mailing address. I still have your phone #, let me know if you'd like me to call.

Yes, you can post what I wrote. I've sent email to St. Louis for a complete copy of my military records so that I could verify certain dates. The "Good Soldier's&" nickname was Frenchy. I was not near point that day, but I do remember that a dog and his handler were actually on point that day and the gooks allowed them to walk past a cross trail before they opened up on our guys. You got all of the details correct and after the Dustoff we walked through the spot and there were a lot of discarded cans of albumin used by our medic on Frenchy.

The snake story was one of the highlights of my tour. The way I remembered it was the jungle was real tight and we were definitely in single file. Then we stopped and someone, probably you or the RTO radioed to the point to find out what the hell was going on. They called back and said there was a python hanging across the trail. Probably you said to get it out of the way. A call came back to tell you to come move it because they weren't going anywhere near it. The rest is history.

The guy who tore himself a new asshole that day was the worse case of many that day that impaled himself on punji stakes that were imbedded all over a hill we were climbing. If my memory serves me right, several others were dusted off that day as well.

Now your story of the NVA medic. I remember one being killed and had thought it was by a Puerto Rican kid named Willie because I remember him with the guy's new SKS with the collapsible bayonet, he also put on the guy's pith helmet. I'm probably mistaken here, but I do appreciate the fact that you gave his family closure. I do remember the notes that proved he was a medic and that he had pictures. I also remember that some of his notes were in a comic book cover, I think it was batman. I was still with the 1st of the 8th, B Company when this happened.

It's been a long time and I've been thinking about this forever, because after going through all of this guy's belongings we were ordered to clear the trail and me and another guy picked the body up and threw it into some brush. I've always felt badly about this but didn't have any pictures or info to track anyone.

Homer, thanks for doing this, it's made me feel better too. After you read this let me know if you would like to talk the old fashioned way, by phone. I would definitely call you.

Thanks for your website. I will send what information I can to help
others who have responded and have questions.

Posted 20 MAR 2010

Charles Younginer
Ret. E-8

TThanks for this site I have been looking for information on B Company 1/8th for years and this is the first that I have found. Reading all of the e-mails really brought back memories. I was one of the fellows who help bring the python snake back and cut it up. I went through three Commanders but CPT Crunch stood out more than the other two before him. I think I went out on every patrol that went out night and day. I remember one night we went out and came back on the wrong coordinates and all hell broke loose. Thank God none of us were hurt that night. Some of the names I recall in the Company were Alabama, Gerkins, Gary Starks, Nick Zappone, The Kid (Plt. Ldr) and Slater. There also was Weider and I forgot the kid who had the worst case of jungle rot in 1967. Oh yes how can I forget Doc Webb, Willie the Indian and Pineapple.

I left November1967 from Dak To to return back to Pleiku. Once I arrived there my father passed away and I was told to ship out to the states and try for a reassignment.br>
I have been fighting the VA for years for PTSD and other ailments to be turned down and even told that my CIB does not mean that I was in COMBAT what a bunch of &%^#@.

Welcome home Brothers and God Bless.
Posted 14 FEB 2010

If you want to get in touch with Chuck, just email me at the address at the bottom of the page and I will forward it to him..

Alfred Davidson

Somehow I located your web site. My name is Alfred P. Davidson. I have always been called Penn which is my middle name. I served as the Senior Medic with Company B, 1st Battalion, 8th Inv 4th Inf Division.

God Bless you and WELCOME HOME!

Chuck Michaeli...

I am Chuck Michaeli 2nd Platoon B company 1/8th INF from May 15, 1967 to May 10, 1968, weapons squad and carried the M-60. I was called Mother Gook or Mac, due to the fact that I used vines to suspend my air mattress off the ground. Some of my platoon leaders were 1st. Lt. Allen, 2nd Lt. Wilson (GOLDEN BOY). I don't remember the rest. I had three COs. I don't remember the first. The second was Captain Christie (Cpt. Crunch) and Captain Moore. I remember the tall man from Tennessee who was the CO's. RTO. I was wounded in the knee at Dak To on FEB 6, 1967. There was a Gary Dice who was in the 1st. Platoon. He was wounded at the battle of the Nine Days of May in July 1967, but later returned to B Company. Gary Dice became a pilot for North West airlines and died of cancer in 1987. Gary was good friend of mine. There was a Steve Smith who was in the 2nd Platoon. Steve was wounded in the Nine Days of May and he also returned to B Company. Steve worked for the railroad out of St. Louis Missouri. I visited him in 1970 and 72. Steve was the youngest man in B Company. He turned 18 in May 1967. I am writing about the events that happened to B Company for the VA and VFW. I will be e-mailing you from time to time looking for information. I hope you don't mind me doing this. There were a SPC4 Lenix and a SGT. Ryeburg and a PFC Grace in B Company with me also.

Our XO was a 1st Lieutenant King from Texas. One of our Battalion Commanders was Lt Col Gail Wilson. In a battle North of Jackson Hole, We could only make a small LZ to get our wounded out. Lt. Col Wilson came in with his little bubble helicopter and stayed on the ground with us. We put two men at a time on his bubble helicopter and evacuated them to the aid station at Jackson Hole. Lt. Col Wilson then walked with us (2000 meters) to the next LZ, where we could make it big enough for three helicopters to land. On 9/3/67 B Company and A Company 1/8th INF were waiting outside of Due Co Special Forces Camp for Lt Col Wilson to arrive by helicopter and let us know which way we were going into the ID Drang valley. We waited for four hours and word came down that LTC Wilson's helicopter crashed and he was killed. He was a great leader that will be missed.

We had five black soldiers who would sing songs every night after we dug into our defensive perimeters. They would sing the great songs of the 60's, like Down on the Boardwalk. One singer was SP/4 Shorty Davis, a 5 foot tall black man. Whenever we went in the rear area, Shorty would put on the yellow Sergeant First Class strips on his sleeves. We all got a kick out of the respect he got wearing those stripes. He would go in the NCO clubs and bring out whiskey for the rest of us. If he got caught, he would have been locked up. Shorty Davis made in home.

I don't know about the men in your time. but most of the men with me had good luck charms. One black soldier from New York City's, good luck charm was a white mussel T-shirt. When we got on the plane to go home, his T-shirt was black. My good luck charm was a orange and black tiger key ring from my high school. Those lucky charms made us bullet proof.

Some Short Stories every day events that happened to B company 1/8th. INF....

Monkey Assault
I remember that one night B Company was dug in on the side of a large hill with big trees for cover. During the night a wild monkey came down from one of the trees and jumped on a sleeping soldier. His screams woke up his buddies. They were all trying to get the monkey off him and in the confusion that followed three or four men were bitten by the monkey. I think they were all in the 3rd platoon. All of those soldiers had to get rabies shots.

Captain Christie goes monkey hunting.
When we moved off the mountain with the monkeys, we moved in two columns through the jungle. We entered a area where the trees were spaced out a little and they were not as tall. Two monkeys started jumping from tree top to tree top. Captain Christie using his little M16, chased the monkeys and shot both of them. I was impressed with the Captains shooting.

Snake Steak
One of the men in the 1st Platoon brought in a 12 foot python he had killed while on patrol. One of the black soldiers an E-6, who was a cook before joining B Company 1/8th, cooked up the python and several soldiers ate the snake. I was told it was good, but did not get any of the snake to taste.

Dragons do exist!
I was on a five man patrol and we were taking a break from walking through the jungle, when the grass in front of me started to move. I watched as a large lizard come out of the grass and head toward me. I shot that lizard in the head with my M-16. It was 6 1/2 feet long and weighed about 125 lbs. It was around 40 inches is diameter in the middle of it's belly. The E-6 cooked up the lizard and I got to taste it. Not bad, but it did not taste like chicken.
Captain Crunch chewed my ass out for shooting that lizard and compromising the patrol. My excuse was that all I saw was the grass moving and I fired. I don't think Captain Crunch believed me but I did not change my story around him.

Pork Barbecue
B Company was moving up a long finger going up a mountain, when the CO decided to call a 10 minute brake. I had to take a dump and moved down the hill with only my entrenching tool. I had my pants down around my ankles, when the front line opened up with small arms fire. There was a lot of screaming, that sounded like wounded men, as I was trying to run up the hill with my pants around my ankles, falling on my face several times. When I arrived back at the company perimeter, I was told that Sergeant Premo Herandazs and his squad had opened up on eight to ten little pigs. What I had heard was the wounded pigs screaming. Sergeant Herandazs and his men took the best four pigs they shot back to the company perimeter, where the black E-6, cooked up the pigs over a spit that Sergeant Herandazs buillt. I was told they were good eating, but once again I missed out.

Package Home
One night B Company and D Company were set up together at the OASIS Fire Support Base. My night position was next to the last night position of D Company 1/8th. I was rolling up my air mattress, when one of the men from D Company came over to me. He had a large black scorpion in a small box and said that he found it under his air mattress. He told me, that he was going to mail it home to his Mom, for her to put in his bug collection. MOM or who ever opens that box will be very surprised.

These are just some of the daily things we went through just trying to get each day to pass.

Thank you for your web site. Chuck Michaeli

Check out Chuck's story about his first patrol with B/1/8 in July 1967 and the account of setting up Fire Base Dogbone.

Posted 22 FEB 2007

Charles Michaeli

I regret to inform you, Charlie passed away in November 2007. We will all miss him. His entries to this site were very important in helping tell the story. I am very glad I got to know him. Take the time to read his entries again and say a prayer for him and his family.


Phillip Bynum aka Tennessee, emails from his wife Nell Bynum.


Oh, how I hope your e-mail is still current. After looking for years I finally stumbled upon your web site. There I found my husband's name in the memories of Chuck Magnuson. We have been looking for people who served with him and did manage to find Capt. Moore who is now retired as LT. Col. Robert Moore. We would love to talk to anyone who served with my husband, Phillip Bynum aka Tennessee. If Chuck or any others have e-mail address you can share we would love to have them. Also you can feel free to e-mail us and share our info.

Phillip was a RTO and was in Vietnam 67 and 68 in 1st of the 8th, 4th Inf, B Co. He remembers some of the names listed on your site and some he does not. Most of them he didn't remember until he saw their names here.

Homer, what a good job you are doing. Did you know Phillip? He doesn't remember hardly anything and has a 100% PTSD rating for good reason I can see. We now live in Murray, Ky and we are retired. Phillip had a daughter born 25 years ago with the number one and two Agent Orange birth defects. Spina Bifida and Hydracephalus. She is in wheelchair but is a happy girl married with 2 daughters.

Nell Bynum



Phillip was glad to talk to you. I think it made him feel a little better. He has 100% V.A. and social Security disability for PTSD. We have had small VA disability for about 6 years now for PTSD but was upgraded this month. I knew when we had been married about 2 months something was wrong with him just did not know what it was. He still after all the diagnosis and everything doesn't think there is anything wrong with him. I have been married to him for 20 years and it has been 20 years of hard road until this year. It seems as if his medicine has finally begun to help him. It would have been wonderful to have had them 20 years ago but at that time he refused to go to V.A. Alcohol was keeping him going until 2001 when he had heart attack and had to quit drinking. We are watching Oliver North's war stories right now. It is about the true story of 11 days in May in Vietnam, Hamburger Hill. I have a newspaper article (what is left of it) that Phillip sent his mom. I think it was from Stars and Stripes about a hill they had to take. This article helped him prove his PTSD. I may have some pictures and I know I have the newspaper article if you would like for me to scan them to you I will. Also please feel free to post my letter or letters to you and anything else about us you would like. I have a lot of respect and love for the Vietnam Veterans. I salute you all.

Nell Bynum (wife of Phillip Bynum aka Tennessee)

Some photos- one is Dak To Air Strip-other is Firebase you guys were building. Let me know if they come through.




I have no hesitation about you publishing what I write to you. It may help someone else. If what we have gone through together and Phillip's own personal Hell help some one else it would make me very happy. I have come to the conclusion that although the Combat Veteran has PTSD in a severe form, I believe that the spouse gets it in smaller doses. I know it may sound crazy but since I started 6 years ago, when he had his heart attack and stopped drinking, trying to get him help and to understand his feelings I have had nights without sleep thinking about Vietnam. I was really ashamed of myself because I would get mad because we never went anywhere, and, I mean anywhere. I accused him of not going because he wanted to stay next to his beer cooler. When I found out he was afraid to go in crowds and different places I was so ashamed. I had read about PTSD and there was the comment that the Veteran was afraid of crowded places and always wanted his back to the wall. So I worked up the nerve and asked him and he just shook his head yes. How sad this World is to its best young men. You know when we first got married 20 years ago he would set booby traps in front of every door. He would always have the electric company install floodlights wherever we lived. And he always checked the perimeter. He still does that. I noticed he would watch every step he took before he set his foot down. I stepped on a spider one day and he got angry at me for doing that. With a heart like that how can it not be broken in Combat? I know his heart is broken, but trying to heal now and he is still trying to get home. I hope he makes it in my lifetime. I feel so much for the Vietnam Veteran, They went, they served, they paid. They are all my heroes just as my husband is and I am so very proud of all of you. Nell



I wish I knew when that Battle was and what hill. Phillip said he thought it was when he had been there just a little while. He did seem to remember a little about it. Now I would like to know if you know anything about the Battle of May 29, 1968 on Hill 29 that 1st and 8th got Unit Citation for? If not could you tell me where I may be able to find out about it. I am curious about this as Phillip has no recollection of it and His Capt. Moore was the one who told me about the day and location and that a regiment of NVA tried to overun them, but he didn't seem to want to discuss anymore and I tried to respect his feelings. Any info would help me so much. Keep up the good work.


You can publish this if you want as it is sincere and sees it from a woman's view.

Posted 21 JUN 2006

Nell Bynum:

A note from Nell Bynum, Phillip's wife. Phillip was an RTO and in Vietnam 67-68 with B/1/8.

Everybody's talkin' at me
I don't hear a word they're sayin'
only the echoes of my mind!
People stop an' starin'
I can't even see their faces
only the shadows of their eyes!
Goin' where the sun keeps a-shinin'
through the pouring rain
goin' where the weather suits my clothes!

The lyrics sound like they could have been written by a Vietnam Veteran.

It has been raining here for a few days. We sat out on the porch for a few minutes tonight. He was smoking and I was watching the rain.
I love to see and hear the rain. We came back in the house as the movie was going off. The music was Everybody's Talkin. The lyrics are
above. After a few minutes (while the music was still playing) Phillip said "I am going to bed. I bet you have never gone to bed in the pouring
rain have you Baby?" Took me a minute to realize what he was talking about. "I said no and not in the mud either, but you have a lot of times
haven't you?" He smiled and said "OH, yes more than I can count." I replied, "Yes but you survived it, now if you could just forget it you
would be all right wouldn't you?" He nodded yes then he went to bed leaving me knowing where his thoughts are tonight.

Now, my thoughts are in Vietnam in the rain.. I am crying for all of you tonight. My heart is heavy and my thoughts are of you guys tonight.

Nell Bynum

PS: The lyrics are from "Midnight Cowboy" and were heard in country around 1969. I remember hearing them and they seemed to talk
directly to my soul. (Homer)

Posted 25 Jan 2007

Ken Groff

I came across your site today and was very surprised to find so much information about our unit and the "guys" we served with. My name is Ken Groff, call sign "Eagle", and I was a platoon leader in B/1/8 from Feb '68 until about Aug '68 when I became the Bn S-2 serving with LTC Olds & MAJ Prahm. I certainly remember "Tennessee" my RTO and Chad Magnuson both great guys. The photo of "Georgie Girl" brought back memories, she was won by "Primo" Ernesto Hernandez one of our squad leaders in a poker game. I believe that she died from ingesting C-4, but that's another story. There was also a mutt named "short round" who had the run of the AO, ask "Yankee" if he remembers him jumping on and off choppers on his LZ? Bill Moore (Rebel) was our company CO and when he became the S-3 Air I followed him to Bn TOC, it sounds as though you must have been my replacement. Another platoon leader was "Swede" but he was wounded early on by one of our helicopters mistaking our flashing strobe lights (waiting for Snoopy) for enemy fire. My recollection of events and people is very fuzzy, probably because I was assigned to several platoons and also had the LRRP's so came in contact with lots of guys. I did have some contact with John Faruggio (?) he probably left country in the spring of '68. He wrote a very good editorial published in the Wall Street Journal, about veterans and Jane Fonda, as I recall he was from the Philadelphia area. Another name you may remember was SGT Batemen a "shake-in-bake that came to us in the summer of '68. I ran in to him at the Jersey shore in the early '80's. Tennessee as I recall had been a truck driver, who told us stories about driving non-stop for days, I guess before log books were required. I am sorry to learn of the problems he's had over the years, hopefully things are getting better for him. Chad was our California surfer dude and both of them probably dug my share of our foxhole too many nights while I was setting up the perimeter. One of the greatest treats was to hide a can of beer in your rucksack and after a really rugged day of humping and after you got "dug in" for the night trying to sneak it out and open it without anybody hearing it pop. As I recall these two guys always heard it and made sure they got dibs. Even though I got the Army career pitch from LTC Olds I came home to Camp Hill, Pa. in '69 to my wife and 6 month old daughter who was born in March '68 when we were maybe on FB 29, not sure. I'm semi-retired and we spend most of our time between Pa and SC. Homer, thanks for the tremendous effort you put forth in assembling this site. I will continue to monitor it and hopefully hear from some of the other "bullets".

Ken Groff

Posted 7 SEP 2006

Chad Magnuson

I came across your site while browsing 4th infantry Division sites. I was with B Co. 1/8th from January 1968 to January 1969.

Originally I was assigned to 1st Platoon as a rifleman, carried the radio for about three months and then was the company CO's RTO, Battalion RTO and Commo chief for the last three months. I came across your site while browsing 4th Infantry Division site.

My name is Chad Magnuson, I was with B Co. 1/8th from January 1968 to January 1969. Originally I was assigned to 1st Platoon as a rifleman, carried the radio for about three months and then was the company CO's RTO, Battalion RTO and Commo chief for the last three months.

I was also in 1st platoon, Lt. Groffs platoon. Although the dates and circumstances are not perfectly clear, I do believe I took over as 1st platoon RTO when you left country. CPT. Moore was still the CO and 1st Sgt Thigpen was still in country after you left, (around July or Aug 1968).

I remember you very well. You always seemed to have a very calm, confident, and "in control" nature about you. I came to the 1/8th in Jan. 1968. I was one of two guys joining the unit that day. The other guy was an African American from Philadelphia, I forget his name but everyone nicknamed him "slug". He had a very hard time keeping up on patrols. He was also assigned to the 1st platoon. I remember my squad leader was Bob Bognetti, from Detroit.

I remember there were only two other guys in our squad at that time, I think they left country in May of '68. The CO was Cpt. Christie, affectionately know as "Cpt. Crunch" He was very tall and could out hump all of us. I was very happy when Cpt. Moore took over, his stride was more normal and I could keep up better. I remember Cpt Moore's RTO Penny. He was from southern California.

I remember FB 15 and 29 in May of 68 quite well. At the time i was a rifleman with 1st platoon. we were on the perimeter during the constant motor and rocket shelling that seemed to go on for a couple of days. There was a 106 recoilless rifle positioned directly above our bunker. Although I had never fired this piece of equipment, I saw a flash from either a mortar of rocket position directly in front of our position, I sighted in the 106 and on the second round hit the position and got a secondary explosion. If I remember correctly, the Battalion CO was on this firebase. When the shelling stopped he came over with Cpt. Moore and personally thanked me for taking this action. I heard he was going to put me in for a bronze star, but nothing came out of it. I did get a 3 day pass to Vung Tau for it, however I ended up carrying radio for Cpt Brennen. He was a west point grad, airborne ranger, if I remember correctly. I finished up as commo chief! I carried the radio code book and coordinated the resupply logistics from the field. I left country in Jan. 1969 as a Sgt. E-5.

Posted 21 MAY 2006

Tommy W. Thompson
SFC, US Army (Retired)

I arrived in-country on 8 Aug 68, becoming a PFC when my foot hit the landing strip in Cam Rahn Bay. I was originally assigned to B Co 1/8th Inf. I believe that was on Hill 1089. We were the ones who were airlifted from Hill 1089 to investigate a site from which 122mm rockets had been fired, over us, towards the Dak To base camp. I believe that was in Sept. '68. That was my first "action". The day before, we heard the rockets going over the firebase. One old-timer saw where they were being launched from and started firing the .50 Cal. at them. They tried a quick shot at us, but they were rushed and the rocket landed near the base of the hill.

The next day we went in on Hueys to check it out. That was my first taste of elephant grass. I stepped out of the chopper, thinking we were only a couple of feet up. After dropping about eight feet, I had the breath knocked out of me and got a few cuts on my arms from the grass. Luckily, we were the only ones there and I had a chance to catch my breath.

A month or so later, when we went to FSB 32, which was a few clicks on the other side of the valley where Ben Het was from FSB 29, they needed 11C's and moved me to the 4-Deuce in the mortar platoon of E Co 1/8th Inf.

I was wounded on FSB 29 on 29 Oct 68. Larry Carpenter was wounded by the same 120mm mortar round. It landed in the doorway of our bunker, by the 4-Deuce gun pit near the TOC. That was the same day that Charles Hazlip, of the 105mm howitzers was KIA. After healing, I went back to my gun, which had been moved to FSB 32. A few weeks later, we were moved back to FSB 29. My gun crew then consisted of Carl Granger, James Floro (of Kansas City, MO), and Ken Holsen. A few months after that, I took over the 106mm recoilless rifle with Danny Huffman (of Jerusalem, AR) and Carl Granger took over the 4-Deuce. We manned the 106 on the FSB at/near Polei Kleng and later on LZ Bullet and one other FSB by a road between LZ Bullet and Camp Radcliffe.

After that tour, I spent two out of the next three years in-country. Most of that was as a grunt (C Co 52nd Inf - Saigon and E Co 2/1 Inf, 196th Light Infantry Brigade (mortars and recon) - Danang, Chu Lai, and Phu Bai). The rest was as an MP (with C Co 720th MP Bn and attached to A Co 716th MP Bn - Long Binh, Lai Khe, and Saigon) guarding convoys to just about everywhere in the delta region and over to the Cambodian border and guarding POWs, as well as patrolling Saigon with the Combined Police Patrol.

Ironically, when my third tour-of-duty was over, I was assigned to 2/22 Inf, 4th Inf Div, at Fort Carson, CO. That turned out to be a major blessing, since that is where I met and married my wife of 31 years in 1975. She was the one who finally helped me to "come home". I was medically reclassified out of the Infantry while serving in the Berlin Brigade in 1977. I pushed papers as a 71L for the rest of my 20 years as a soldier and retired from Fort Polk, LA, in 1988.

Tommy wants to find out the name of the person in the Enlisted Men's Club at camp Enari, Pleiku with him.

Posted 22 MAR 2006

Dan Montgomery

I was in B-1-8 in April to June, 1969. I think that would mean were in the same AO. My platoon leader was LT Moss. He was a red head and liked to wear a green towel over his neck.

Check out Dan's Website at www.sonic.net/kryptox/editors/roger/roger.htm

I have Dan's Email Address on file...Contact Swamp_fox at earthlink.net

Posted 10 OCT 2005

Ted Bateman

Lt. Steedly. Thank you for your comments-I really can’t tell you what they mean to me. Combat gave me lifelong lessons regarding unspeakable fear and humility. I am going to read all of your accounts and I will start to piece my recollections together as best I can-I guess it’s time. God Bless you Lieutenant, I remember you very well, a Leader-much brighter and introspective than you would demonstrate. Billy Crutchfield, Doc, Sgt Daniels, Top, Rhino. I recall hill 467, I believe fairly well to this day. Much more in my mind…….. as you well know. Feel free to post my e-mail address. I will be in touch. I’m pleased and comforted that you returned safely.

Posted 18 FEB 2005

Richard Boyce, brother of PFC James Franklin Boyce.

I contacted you several years ago and asked you about my brother PFC James Franklin Boyce, he was in B 1/8 from Sept 13, 1968 until he was KIA on January 20, 1969. You said that you didn't know him. Jabiya Dragonsun has been in contact with me (you mention him in your website) and said he knew my brother "Frankie" (we called him Frankie), Jabiya does not know how Frankie was killed, I think he was sent to another company. Back in the 70's I went to Waterbury Connecticut and met a guy named Leo Britt, my brother talked about him in a letter, but Leo didn't know what happened to Frankie. He said they went out on a mission and was told Frankie got hit, but that was all he said. Frankie played guitar and sang very well, we had just signed a recording contract with Warner Bros records, when we got drafted, then the army made us choose who had to go to the Nam, Frankie decided to go, something I'll never get over, it haunts me. He was younger than me and I should have went, but I won't go into that now. I just thought this may help you remember Frankie. Thank you for reading this and I wish you well.


Richard Boyce

Chad Magnuson

I was with B Co. 1/8th from January 1968 to January 1969. Originally I was assigned to 1st Platoon as a rifleman, carried the radio for about three months and then was the Company CO's RTO, Battalion RTO and Commo chief for the last three months. Its funny how the names escape you after so many years.

Some of the guys I remember...
Dewey Buffington
Bob netti (from Detroit)
Penny ? (from Southern California)
Ted Bateman
Gordon Goodlett
Phil Bynum (Tennesee)
Rick Pohlman
Lt. Groff (Eagle)
Lt. Palanzi (Animal)
CPT. Moore
CPT Brennan
Georgy Girl our pet monkey.

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