C Company, 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division

Photo Galleries

Ray Donis of C/1/8 Infantry shares a couple hundred photos of his tour in Nam.

These photo's came from Andy Day, C/1/8.

These Photos Provided By Robert Robbins, C/1/8, better know by the nickname "Arkie". He arrived in Viet Nam in September 1968.

These two photos from SP/4 Pat Carnes - C/1/8, 4th Infantry Division, August 1967 – June 1968 and 3/4th CAV, 25th Division, June 1968 – August 1968.

These photos came from First Sergeant Hewitt of Charlie Company, 1st of the 8th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division.

These photo's are from Ken Oostenink, C/1/8, from 12-4-68 to 12-4-69.

This C/1/8 Roster from 2 JAN 1968 came from 1sgt Hewitt via Ralph McDermott and includes "ZAP Numbers".

These photo's are from Ken Oostenink, C/1/8, from 12-4-68 to 12-4-69.

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