11 JUL 1967

Dear Mom and Dad,

Guess where I am now? I'm now inside a tank on a tank platoon tactical problem in the field. How about that sports fans? I'll be riding in these green pigs all week. They sure are noisy outside, but its pretty quiet inside here. We have a fair amount of room too. Sure is hot in it though and boy what a rough ride.

Sorry I haven't called lately, but I've been real busy and I'm on the chain of command as squad leader again Wednesday. Since I can't get out to mail them, I guess I'll have to get my fatigues done here. I'll expect to see you for the blue day ceremonies. I'll call soon and talk to you about it. I don't think you should bring the kids, because there's not much they could do except sit around. Also they are real hot on traffic violations up here, so be real careful. Three in the back and two in the front is all the MP's will allow before they give a DR and I sure can't afford that. I'll have to know how long you can stay too, so I'll be able to get some rooms in advance.



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