Letter Home
12 NOV 1968

Dear Mom and Dad,

Sorry I couldn't write any sooner, but I have been in the "boonies" hiking a 70 lb. rucksack for the last few rainy days. We found an NVA tunnel complex, some recently evacuated mortar and 75mm recoilless rifle positions (probably the ones they used on FSB-29). I also have good news, I just became Company XO (Executive Officer) the Company Commanders right hand man. I won't be in the field any more. I even slept between sheets, had a hot meal and hot shower last night. I won't need the lantern and stove, but if you've already sent it, don't worry, I can still use it. I sure am looking forward to that fruit cake. I hope you will be good enough to remember to send a $16.00 check to Interstate Securities Co. each month starting November to take care of that insurance. Dad can write the checks on my account and send it the 1st of each month. November should be the last month I pay Fort Jackson Credit Union also.

All my money is being sent to the bank now, so I need to have you send me a $50.00 money order ASAP (as soon as possible). Then if and when I need any more money I will just write for it. I got that letter send by regular mail just as fast as air mail, so I guess that's the way you should send it from now own.

I have some film I'm going to send home first chance I get.


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