Letter Home
17 OCT 1968

Dear Mom and Dad,

Well we moved again, this time we went to FSB-30. It's a real nice looking area. The view from up here is unbelievable. In on direction you can see for 7 or 8 "klicks" (kilometers). That is when it stops raining of course. It stopped for awhile right now. We have had rain for 24 hours constantly.

A plane just came over in front of us dropping Chu Hoi (give up) leaflets. As usual we are having to rebuild all the bunkers here. I've been digging with the 5 people in my group for 12 hours now, making a real bunker 12' x 21' x 6'. Some bunker, beds, table, chairs and all. It's going to take about 3,000 sand bags to cover the roof alone.

We are still doing OK. My skin is turning red from all the mud. It gets in the pores and you an't get it out. I had my first shower yesterday in a month. That steel pot bit just doesn't get you very clean. Sure do appreciate those packages. I have some film I'm going to send home soon. I could use 7 pack and pens again, if you can get them. Also loook around and see if you can find some of the Quaker instant oar meal. It comes in a box of one serving packs. It is easy to make and sure is good in the morning, when your're wet and cold.

Well I have to go for now before the rain gets here again cause the pen won't write on wet paper.


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