Letter Home 18 AUG 68
Dear Mom and Dad, Have them send my award to
CG, 4th Inf Div
APO SF 96262
I am now at Camp Enari, Pleiku, Viet Nam. I will be here a week or more before I get to my unit and get an address.
The place is beautiful, tin roof, walls half way to the ceiling, no window panes. It rains constantly and is shivering cold when it does. When it stops raining the temperature soars to 110 degrees with 90% humidity. The whole place, people and all, is red from the red mud everywhere. If you wonder why I write so crooked, its because there aren't any lights, so I'm using a cigarette lighter.
I'm doing fine so far, so I'll write again in about a week or so, when I get an address.
Love, Homer
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