LZ Pat 10 K's South of An Khe
Letter Home
22 OCT 1969Dear Mom and Dad,
Hi! I'm fine, muddy, tired, but fine. I am acting as a "switching station" right now. Sending my four
platoons here, there, and yonder, as Brigade says to.
I will send my daily log in the mail along with my letters, they are the ones without Dear Mom and Dad,
please put them up for me.
I couldn't get paid yet, so I'll just wait until the 1st on regular pay day. I stopped the car payment
allotment. They will get the last allotment check the 1st of January. You will have to write them the
1st of January or 2cd and ask for a final payoff amount, then send them a check for that amount.
Bye for now,
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