Pleiku, RVN

Letter Home
29 MAY 1969

Dear Mom and Dad,

I can't even remember when I wrote you last. Things have really been busy around here lately (administrative wise). I am now Headquarters Company Commander. I don't really enjoy it because it's a desk job, but at least it is a command.

I haven't received my leave orders yet, but I expect them any day. It sure will be good to get home for a while and rest up. How much money do I have in the bank now? Guess what!? I've grown a mustache, but it does 't really look to well because its a light blond and not very noticeable.

When I do get back to the world, I'll call from Ft. Lewis to let you know. I want a fish fry-outdoors with home churned ice cream for a coming home weekend meal and all relatives are invited, (providing they don't eat too much). Say hello to Grandmother for me.

Well the monsoon rains have started here again. It rained hard about 14 hours today. I found some more pictures and decided to send them along.

Gotta run,


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