Letter typed in script font on portable type writer I bought in base camp while XO.

Letter Home
4 APR 69

Dear Mom and Dad,

I got your tape yesterday and it sure was good to hear from you again. I guess it must be pretty lonely around there sometimes with everyone out and just you two there all by yourself, especially after being used to hearing four yelling fighting brats. I sure hope grandmother can get over in time for me to see her when I come home on leave. I just head a rumor that I may get to be a Company Commander before I hoped. We are losing a Company Commander from Delta Company on the 20th of April and so far they don't have anyone to replace him; chance that I may get it. I sure hope so, it would mean a great deal to my career and make me look real good. It is just what I need to really give me a good chance to argue about my schooling, when I get back to the world.

If I get it I will need that box I told you about even more if I get to be a Company Commander. I have to run for now, will write again soon as I get a chance.

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