LZ Hip Shoot

Letter Home

4 DEC 19699

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am 15 miles South of Pleiku on a small fire base we built our self. It is used for two 155mm towed howitzers as a fire base. We are given the job to secure it. A real easy job and a nice break for us. The only drawback is the dust. The monsoon is over here and we are on a plain of fine red dust. It gets into everything. The wind blows 24 hours a day and keeps it stirred up. At night you freeze to death and in the daytime you roast. That hot chocolate sure comes in handy. Hot at night and as a cool chocolate milk in the heat of the day.

I would like to know if you had enough to pay off the car payments and if so, how my bank statement looks.

Also, be advised I have sent home the following money orders: Tear stubs up if you have received money orders.

16 OCT - 125.00
7 NOV - 200.00
10 NOV - 260.00
27 NOV - 600.00

Bye for now,

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