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7 SEP 68
Dear Mom and Dad,
It has been raining for nearly two weeks here and the mud is from just ankle deep to waist deep in places. The mud is like soupy red clay, but I manage to keep dry most of the time. Contrary to popular belief it does get cold in Viet Nam, especially here in the Central Highlands. I'm in the battalion base camp now. We're pulling perimeter security and it's really great, three hot meals a day, showers, occasionally a movie, but there is still mud, guard, rain, cold, mosquitoes, rats, and boredom. I'll be glad when we finally get back into the hills again. My radio call sign is "Swamp Fox".

I still haven't gotten any mail so I hope everyone's doing fine. I hope my bank account isn't over drained yet, but it will be the middle of October probably before my paycheck actually gets home.

There is plenty of action going on around here, but "Charlie" just doesn't seem to like to tangle with us, since we stomped him last time. We have had more casualties from accidents here than from combat. I've got to go for now, write again soon as I can.


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