2nd Battalion, 35th Infantry

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John Jay Germano Jr.
Company B, 2nd Bn
35th Infantry Regiment
4th Infantry Division, Vietnam

Hi Homer,

My father recently passed away. He was a Ranger / Green Beret, based in Pleiku. His name was John Jay Germano Jr. and his nickname was "Cat Man." John served proudly as a Green Beret with Company B, 2nd Bn, 35th Infantry Regiment, Vietnam in 1969 as the leader of a SOG Recon Team. This involved living and working with the indigenous mountain tribes of Vietnam, the Montagnards. He came to love their ingenuity and the loyalty they committed to the US troops. While there, he was severely wounded during a fire fight on September 29th, 1969 and spent almost a year in a full body cast while recovering in the States. For his bravery he was awarded a Bronze Star and Purple Heart.

I was wondering if you had contacts or maybe knew him?

Thanks sir!
Chad Germano

Posted 21 SEP 2022

You can make contact via email to the Swamp_fox address at the bottom of this page. I will forward your email to Chad.

PFC Robert Clifton
C/2/35th Infantry

Robert received the Bronze Star and this is a newspaper clipping about that engagement.
If you knew him, please email me at the swamp_fox address below. He would like to make
contact with some of his old unit. Click on thumbnail for larger image.

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Homer R. Steedly Jr. (Email: Swamp_fox at earthlink.net ) More stories coming soon...Check back often. Copyrighted ... 03/24/24. Site Map