Sun Wall...Pisgah Forest
Today I met Ezra, a very good climber, who kindly let this 59 year old "has been" use his fixed rope as protection to climb part way up the face of Sun Wall on Looking Glass Rock in Pisgah Forest near Brevard, NC. Really felt good. I have not climbed in over a quarter century and was not sure I could do it, but Ezra knew just when to encourage me. He obviously knew exactly what I was feeling. These photos were taken before I went up. Forgive me, but I do not remember the name of the lead climber shown setting the anchors for the safety rope. Thanks guys! You have no idea how good it felt to have rock beneath me, sky above me, and God's wonderful vistas all around me once again. I had almost forgotten how magical a good clean climb can be.
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HomePage Photo's of me on Sun Wall

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