Guest Book Archives
Add your viewpoints and memories to the dialogue and help me tell the whole story.
Email Addresses will be posted as pictures only, to discourage junk mail robots harvesting websites.
Email me at the address shown below.
If you want your communication posted to the
public guest book, please use a subject line in your email like this:
Subject: (Guest Book yes) (Email no) The parenthesis and key
words Guest Book and Email trigger my programs and make it easier for me to post
your entry. The Yes or No let me know whether to post your message to
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and whether to post your email address along with the guest book entry. If
you do not wish to post your email address, you could simply ask them to contact
you through my email address. I will forward the emails to you and let you
decide whether to make direct contact.
When in doubt, I will assume that your email is a private communication and will
not post it. I tried automatic guest book forms, but was not satisfied with the reliability across
browsers and operating systems. Simple email appears much more reliable.
I look forward to hearing from all of you.
PS: Please indicate whether to post your message and email address
to the guest book. Ron Bova
For the past year or so I've been seeing more information come out about
Agent Orange and how it effects veterans. While looking for my unit I came
across your web site. I was in Viet Nam from Oct 1966 till July 1967. I was
the Battalion Headquarters PSNCO (S-1 Clerk) in the 1/8 Infantry 4th
Division. We left Seattle, WA in Sept 1966 on the USNS Gordon on our way to
Viet Nam. It was a slow boat to China. We were sleeping 5 high in
racks with no A/C and it seemed like all we did for 25 plus days was line up
for shots or meals. Anyway, the reason for my notifying you is to see if any
Vet remembers any of the guys I served with including myself. I would be
nice to get in touch with them. Lt Col Lee (Pineapple) was Battalion CO,
Capt Mantooth, Major Maquire, Nick Nicholas (Battalion S-2 clerk), Anderson,
Arstog,Gage, Tripolone or Gleason (all assigned to HHC). Thanks for
creating this great web site.
I do have more pictures, I just need to figure out how to
condense the pictures into a smaller file. You can post the picture maybe
someone will recognize the guys or even them self. And you are correct about
the soldiers in the combat base camp having to deal with the problems of the
day. Each day started out with getting the morning report ready with the
number of MIA, KIA, Wounded, number in sick bay, enemy KIA's, replacement
troops, schedule R&R's, etc. These are just some of the things that got
handled by Battalion Headquarters. We also did our fair share of protecting
the perimeter and go on short patrols. The VC even managed to hit us with
mortars destroying equipment. (see
photos attached) Amazing how times have changed. Back then, everything
was done by hand or typewritten. There were no cell phones, computers to
forward the information.
Regards, Ron
All Email addresses are only pictures to discourage
robots harvesting websites for junk mail lists.
You will have to write them down and type
them into your mail program manually. If you want to contact someone who did not choose to post their email address, email
me and I will forward your message to that person.
HHC, 1/8 Inf, 4th Inf Div
(S-1 Clerk - Battalion HQ)
Anyway, got to go for now.
I have Ron's Email Address on file...Contact
Swamp_fox at earthlink.net
Posted 5 AUG 2010
Everett Skinner
HHC 1st of the 8th Infantry
4th Infantry Division
Hello Mr. Steedly, my name is Everett Skinner. I was with HHC, 1st Bn, 8th
Inf, 4th Inf Division from March 1969 to March 1970. I started at Pleiku and came
out at An Khe. I'm just now coming out of my box. Your site is the very first
sight I visited. I noticed Gary Lysne has contact info for Lt. Bruce Simmons.
We were bunk partners (he was on the top bunk and I on the bottom) at Fort
Bliss, TX for our basic training. We ran into each other at a helicopter pad,
what a shocker. He was not going to be an officer at the time we were in
basic. Anyway could you please help me get some info on him?
Thank you very much for your service time & your web site.
P.S.--- Small world: Bruce's parents and mine became friends after they found
out Bruce and I were acquainted. He was from Marysville, Calif. and we were from
Corning Calif. approximately 70 miles apart.
follow up email from Everett...
Oh my gosh, Sir:
You had to have been my CO at that time. I have spent so many years not
thinking of my tour that I have blocked out a lot. Anyway most of our duties
were to pick up supplies and deliver them to the pad. Almost all classes of
supply. We
usually loaded them in the nets and a lot of times we stayed to hook them up to
the birds. Some people stand out, like Red Fox, who called in the birds for
delivery. Long red hair and an earring. Because of his companionship with the
pilots, he could usually get us a bird. Anyway being the CO I'm sure you
remember better than me as to our jobs, etc.
I'm one that has nothing but the highest regard for those of you who went to
the next level to become officers. Thank you for your leadership. What a
pleasure to hear from you. I do think at one time there was a CPT Craig
around. Do you remember him? As you can tell, I'm not too familiar with the
It's funny what we can block out. I can tell you everything about the 14
months I spent at the rock in Germany prior to Vietnam. Yes I have a
e-mail from Mr. Lysne. Thank you again sir, it's been a pleasure to talk with
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All Email addresses are in picture format only to discourage web bots from harvesting for junk mail lists. Type them into your mail manually. Site designed for Internet Explorer Version 6.0 or higher, viewed with text size medium and desktop resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels.
Webmaster:Homer R. Steedly Jr. (Email: Swamp_fox at earthlink.net) Copyright 08/12/1995 - 03/24/24. Commercial Use of material on this site is prohibited.